My powermax whine


I don't think I've posted a negative comment on a w/o before, but I just finished Powermax and although the choreography is a lot of fun the hooting of the crew drives me crazy. Even Cathe does it quite a bit, and I'm so glad I don't hear it in her later workouts. There's also one of crew that is just downright perky, too perky! I don't know, maybe I'm just being too bitchy tonight. Now all this being said, Cathe still kicked by butt.:)
I find that one quite amusing:) I tend to try and laugh at things that could otherwise drive me nuts. My favorite line in that workout is when Cathe asks the crew if they want to work harder and then says "let's work harder" again in a funny voice. I always crack a smile at that point. Maybe I just view the hooting a different way than you. I actually look forward to the silly things, it seems to keep me motivated. I know that sounds strange but it works for me,
I don't have that workout anymore, but I do remember Cathe's earlier workouts being high on the "whoop" factor. I find it very annoying at times (Boot Camp is the only newer workout that has an annoying level of whooping in, but I don't notice it as much when I'm actually doing the workout--though the whooping during the breaks between moves is hard to ignore).

I think it can annoy you more or less depending on how you look at it. If you think of the whooping as a "call out" to you, and you answer back with a whoop of your own, that could make it more tolerable.

I know that sometimes when I do a workout more, I can tune out some things that annoy me (like the pronunciation of 'Peena colada' on the song in IMAX2--it's piña!! peen-ya! That used to bug the heck out of me, but I found that if I push myself a little harder, I'm breathing heavy enough through that section to tune it out for the most part. Otherwise, I just yell "piña!" to drown out the wrong pronunciation).
Have you ever done an aerobics class at a real studio? That is very common. I don't mind it myself. I think it just sort of speaks of the feeling in the room. Man, this is fun, woohoo! And it is also a way for the people taking the class to let the instructor know that they are enjoying the class. I would much rather hear that than say DENISE AUSTIN telling me I can't do it.x(
Good perspective! A little whooping in a Cathe workout is MUCH more tolerable than a Denise Austin stream of chatter! Bless her, I know she means well, and some people get a lot of good from her, but she wears on me like nails on a blackboard.
Just Do It! :)
>Have you ever done an aerobics class at a real studio? That
>is very common.

But there is a difference between being in a class and using a video/DVD that repeats the same workout in the exact same way, with the exact same whoops in the exact same places. Just like an instructor making a bad joke in class isn't repeated over and over and over again the way it is when you use the same workout video over and over.

But I'd pretty much take anything over Denise Austin's mindless babbling, and telling me to "burn some butter" and work on "bra overhang". (What does Denise say you "can't " do? I don't get it).
I really don't pay attention to any of the whooping and such. I am so fixated on the workout and watching cathe that I don't pay any mind to the others. But if not it still wouldn't bother me. And I can't stand to hear Denise Austin talk, although she is sweet!

I guess all that emotion they express really doesn't phase me!

Oh! and by the way I love powermax!!

I understand people who don't like whooping...there's probably people in live classes who don't enjoy it, but it doesn't bother me. I hated how scripted the Firm workouts were and I love BC. I don't do one workout over and over to the point that the whooping or comments bother me at all. I often find that about the time that Cedie woops or yelps in BC I'm doing it right along with her. It would just seem un-natural to me if no one was whooping at all in BC...that is a whoop worthy workout in my book and I don't find it loud at all. I too, find the older workouts amusing as well, but if I'm pms'ing or did the same workout over and over I might find it annoying as well. Now, since we are complaining my complaint is that the music isn't loud enough for my liking in the HC series and I want Cathe to bring back two workouts per DVD with BB or I-Series quality premixes!!! That being said, I love and appreciate and use all my Cathe workouts and I'm loving this Aug. rotation!!!
Hey Angela, I am right there with you!!! I remember hearing someone say they did not like the whoops in Bootcamp. I am doing them just like the crew. I love it when Cathe is doing tricep dips and she says something about adding a barbell if you'd like and Cedie says sarcastically "OK". It cracks me up!!;)
The Firm is way too scripted for me. I hate how there philosphy is not to let you see the cast sweat. I don't believe the leads because I don't see them as instructors. They are just performing what someone has designed (with exception of Tracie) and saying words someone told them to say.
That is really bizarre, Kathryn! My being Hispanic, never noticed this. I can say Pina Colada just like any hispanic, too. Guess that just means certain nuances aggravate different people for whatever their reason.

Sherry, I don't have Powermax (but I will soon) so take my input with a grain of salt, I guess. Anyway, I kind of feel the same as you. I love all of Cathe's workouts & I have all except some of those first few and the Wedding video & of course PM. I work out exclusively to her, mind you.

Anyway, it first irritated me to hear her say, AHHH WUAN! Two! Three!

I don't know why, but it did. TREMENDOUSLY! I cringed when she pronounced the number one. Now, if I let that get to me, I could definitely say, I would miss out on some mighty fine workouts. That, of course is not an option, because they are just that, mighty fine workouts!

But if it bothers you that much, maybe she is not the instructor for you. Different strokes for... As someone else posted, I'm sure Denise Austin has made a lot of progress with different people, but if I had to listen to her for just 20 minutes, I would rather hang myself.

I used to do the Firm and came to hate the Stepford Wives quality of the participants - the whooping on some of Cathe's tapes just sounds cheerful to me and I like it. On some of the newer stuff I get a little sad when they don't do it- I can sense them holding back! Whoop away ladies.;-)
I actually really like all of the whooping. As a matter of fact, my SO is constantly making fun of MY whooping! LOL



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