I never read the OP's posts that were deleted so I can't speak as to what I personally thought of them.
All I can say is that this site/forum belongs to Cathe/Chris/SNM. They make the rules and, like them or not and we need to abide by them if we expect to be allowed to come here. End of story.
I, for one, never thought they asked too much of us and am more then happy to abide by the rules they have set. I have always tried to be kind, tactful, etc to everyone here when voicing an opinnion on whatever topic is being discussed and have not always had the favor returned to me which was upsetting. I have also read some disturbing threads over the years that turned into downright nasty fights and I just shook my head. I couldn't believe what I was reading! There have been many a thread that I was actually AFRAID to post my opinion on b/c it had turned so sour that I was sure someone would flame me no matter what I said. I have also seen what goes on during the pre-order phase of Cathe's productions and it makes me angry every single time I would read someone's post bashing SNM for the way they do business. I am not saying you do not have a right to your opinion but come on! There is no need to be as nasty as I have seen some people get and if you just can NOT figure out how to express yourself in a kind manner then perhaps you should consider privately emailing your thoughts to SNM instead.
Anyway, I am glad that they will be keeping a closer eye on things around here. Maybe, as Janie mentioned, it will encourage some lurkers to come out of hiding.
Thank you Cathe, Chris and SNM for all you do! I, for one, have never had issue with anything and will happily continue to do business with you!