My poor old dog (long)


I know this forum has many dog lovers so I share this story with hope you will learn from my mistakes. My 15 year old dog was attacked by the neighbors Husky. Lesson #1 water will not cause a dog that has locked on to let go. Lesson #2 You must strangle the dog and cut off its air supply to get it to let go. Lesson #3 Thank God for the ex cop who lives across the street even if his kids sometimes drive you crazy. Lesson #4 Dogs experience mental trauma with physical trauma. Tickles will heal, I am more worried about her mental state than anything else. Vet says when her pain diminishes she may snap out of it. As I type she is on her 100th+ lap of our house. I think it hurts too much to just lie down so she is pacing incesantly. Lesson #5 a dog in pain will bite. She's never bitten anyone, but has nipped at both myself and my 6 year old daughter in the past two days. Lesson #6 You never want to see something like this happen or experience the helpless feeling I felt. As I drove her to the vet I just kept crying, she was crying too. She has been such a wonderful pet, I couldn't stand the thougth of her dying like that. Lesson #7 even an old dog can move fast when she thinks "her girl" is in danger. I seriously think she thought the dog was after my oldest daughter. When I openned the door to see "the dog". Rachel was standing in the yard between it and the door. Tickles lit out the door like a two year old dog. I hadn't seen her move like that in years. The whole thing caught me totally off guard. It happened so quickly and with such violence.
What a traumatic experience for Tickles and the rest of your family.
I'm sending lots of healing thoughts your way.
Oh, I'm so sorry about your Tickles!!! Poor thing! I'm so glad she survived!!! I'm so sorry for you and your daughter as well. Bless her for protecting your daughter, even though she did not need to. Did the vet give you anything for the pain? You may want to ask him to if she hurts that much.
Many years ago my little lhasa apso was traumatized and became very depressed. I gave him Bach's Flower Rescue Remedy. You can get it in the health food store. It worked! I wasn't really expecting anything but it did. I don't know if you are familiar with these but they are nontoxic and you can read about them in the store most likely. It is worth a try. They come in small bottles and you just give a few drops at intervals. I hope your dog feels better. What a terrible thing to have happen.
Oh man, dog fights just suck.

I hope that by now Tickles has calmed down enough to relax a little. It's awdul when crappy things happen to the seniors. I would guess that your girl thought she was saving your daughter (as you think too), please treat her like the hero she is.

Rescue remedy is a great product for calming dogs, benedryl works in a pinch also.


We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces. It is our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat and find the true soul that lies within.
We are Rescue. boys and girls/Bruce-Janna.jpg
Tickles is also a lhasa. I am going to try this. Thanks so much for the tip. She is definately traumatized. I looked online and it's even affordable. I am going to see if I can find Bach's Flower Remedy at the health food store so I can get it quick. I placed an order just in case I can't find it there. She isn't any better today. Still doing laps around the house and not eating. I am going to take her back to the vet first thing Monday morning. She has a big buldge on her side the vet said was from broken blood vessels. It was going down, but is bigger today. I just pray I don't lose her after all this. She is suffering, and I hate to think it is for nothing.
>I just had to say I love your quote!

Thanks, although I can't take credit for it. I have seen it passed around and used on various rescue lists, but have never seen it credited to anyone. I am trying to find out if anyone knows so I can give credit.

Geez, I used to word "credit" a lot in that small paragraph......

Hopefull - please do post an update after you speak to the vet.


We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces. It is our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat and find the true soul that lies within.
We are Rescue. boys and girls/Bruce-Janna.jpg
Poor Tickles, thank goodness she's on the mend! I'm so sorry for her--and your!--trauma. I'm sure she'll recover emotionally when she realizes she's in a safe place.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your Tickles. I got tears in my eyes when I read this, thinking how I would feel if it happened to my dog, Georgie. I am so sorry.
I was watching the dog whisperer, and Cesar Millan says dogs do not carry grudges and forget easier than we do, so here's to hoping that Tickles puts this behind her. And I hope that the owner of the Husky, has taken measures to assure this sort of thing never happens again.
Oh my! :eek: I do feel awful for you and your family and Tickles! I wish that I could take the pain away for you. I am sure she will resume some sort of normal, but that is so traumatic! :(

I can relate to that helpless feeling. I know how vulnerable you must have felt.

Here comes some good vibes to start the healing process! Hang in there!

xoxo, neicebug :)
Yeah, Tickles ate this morning, and she walked up to me to get her ears scratched. Can't go past there or she will wig out. I'm so happy to report this! Thanks for all your kind words, prayers, advice, etc. I really think she is turning the corner. She even seems to have a tiny sparkle in her eyes today. More like herself! We go back to the vet Wednesday for a check up.:) :)
I hope that your doggie continues to heal. I am sure all the love you are giving her is helping her make tremendous strides!!!

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