My Physique & Goals


Hi Cathe! I haven't posted anything of my own for quite some time but now need your expert help. My goals are to get a little more definition in my quads and lift up my glutes! There not bad looking but the glutes definitely don't look like yours :-( I've been doing 3 different rotations using mostly your tapes and I don't see any more results. I stayed on a rotation for 4 weeks at a time before switching to another rotation. I would like a little more definition in my legs but shoulders can only handle a 45 lb. barbell. When I was in the gym using the Smith Machine, I was able to squat using 85 lbs. I notice that my left hamstring is nicely popped out but the right one has no definition. I'm stronger on my right so therefore could lift much heavier on my right but the left side of my body couldn't handle the weight. What a dilema! My glutes also could be lifted up a little more. Aside from doing Romanian Deadlifts, what else do you recommend? I don't go to a gym any longer. Should I just stick with Leaner Legs for 12 weeks and see what results I get? Can't wait for the new tapes and this time around will use lighter weights so that I don't injure myself like I did with your CTX tapes. Thanks for everything. Give a hug and kiss to Eric for me. My best, Kathy
Hi Cathe! I know how very busy you are and may be there's no help for me. Maybe the educated crowd can help? Someone else had posted about combining two tapes together such as PS Legs and Body Max legs or PS legs and MIS legs. That way I would be hitting my legs harder than I am now. Should I stay on this for 4-6 weeks and see what happens? I would change the tapes mixing and matching them up. Thanks for any help that anyone can give me. Kathy

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