My opinions so far....


FWIW, my take on the SC workouts I've done so far. Note that these are just my initial reactions as I've only done them once & it usually takes me a few run thrus to really get a feel for a workout.

HiiT 30/30:
enjoyed a good solid workout, a bit short, no cooldown???

HiiT 40/20:
really liked this one, pretty intense, but still no cooldown??

HiiT Pyramid:
just ok, although I like the concept it's kinda repetetive, maybe i'll like it the more i do it, where are the coodowns?

Step Moves:
loved this, fun, a few tricky moves, but I like to have a learning curve so i don't get bored

Circuit Blast:
really liked the firewalkers & med ball moves, otherwise didn't care for this one much, not enough time to hit all muscle groups (tris??) & cardio was only ok for me (however I don't really like total body circuits anyway, prefer to concentrate on either weights or cardio)

Travel Fit:
really liked this, perfect for a hotel room workout, could have been a bit longer, but still a good overall workout & enjoyable , definitely taking this on all my trips - but won't forget to bring my gloves! hard to work the band effectively w/o them

Haven't done any others yet, but looking forward to them!
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