My New World With Platemates!


Do you ever wonder how you got by without something that you can't imagine living without? I was in a fitness equipment store this weekend and they had several sets of 1.25 lb Platemates on clearance for $10.00! I've been slapping those little puppies on every dumbell I own!:) I wish I had bought more. Aren't they normally around $26.00 a pair? I think they had four or five sets left and some pairs in larger weight increments.

You lucky dog! I want plate mates!!!! But they are SOOOOO expensive! Hey wait Mother's Day is coming. Maybe I could get some from DH & the kid. I also have graduation day coming. There's another pair. Then my birthday later in the month.

OH BUT WAIT! Cathe is promising Cathe gear very soon. OH HOW TO CHOOSE?
PlateMates are these cool magnetic gizmos, weighing either 5/8 lb each or 1.25 lb each that you slap onto the ends of hex / round iron dumbbells to incrementally add weight load to dumbbell work. I have 2 sets of 1.25-pounders that I absolutely swear by, and I'm in shock and awe that someone was able to find a set so cheap! (Not to mention envy!) I've been dithering around about getting a 5/8 lb set, and I may have just gotten the motivation I need here!

RE: Sherry!


I called Busybody Home Fitness and unfortunately they don't ship. He did say they had four pair of the 1.25 lbs. left. If you want to work something out, I would be glad to pick them up for you. The guy told me he would hold them if you were interested. Their phone number is (602)230-2850. This guy wasn't the manager so he said he wasn't postitive that they don't ship but he didn't think so. Anyway, if there's anything I can do, let me know!!! :7

Thank you!

Thanks so much for taking the time for me! Let me do some calling around first to see how much they are selling for in our area. If it is still expensive, then I will get back to you. Who knows, maybe they are on sale here too??? DOUBT IT! I'm just thinking by the time we pay to ship all that weight, it might work out to not much more to buy them here. Let me do some research. Thank you, thank you!!!! BTW, Sherry, I LOVE your lil' smilies doing the wave. Too cute!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thank you!

Ok, Sherry, now I get took me a minute to figure out why you were telling me about this, but DUH!!! now I get it..thank you so much for thinking of me.

But yeah, I alreay have the 1.25 pounders. Would love the .6 ers though. Where is this place?? I know they have Platemates at a fitness store at 22nd st and Camelback. How much were they normally, do you know??

Hey Sherry,

I'm graduating from Rosemont College with my MBA. Yeah, I got accepted to law school but after all that, have decided not to go. I have to work. Even part-time law school is 4 hours a night, 4 nights a week. I feel like when a person extends themselves that far, something else in her life will give. I knew without a doubt, fitness would be one thing to go. However, I was afraid that there would be other things--family life for one--that I'm not willing to let get damaged. So, I decided not to go. I figure I got accepted & that really is good enough for me. It was a burden making the decission but feels great now that I've decided.

Thanks for asking!
RE: Wow Deborah!

Wow, you are one motivated lady! It also sounds like you have your head on straight and know your priorities and limitations. It is tough making some life decisions. I think my toughest life decision right now is which w/o to do! LOL Seriously, I know what you mean by something suffering. In the early 80's I was going to nursing school full time, my husband and owned a print shop and I had five little kids! I decided to give up nursing school, which I have never regretted. Have a good weekend! :)

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