My morning sickness is killing me!!


A couple of weeks ago I was worried that something was wrong because I felt so good. Well, I should have enjoyed it, because the last 2 weeks have been a nightmare! I'm not vomiting, but I have severe nausea and fatigue 24/7. I have tried all the suggestions I can find on easing morning sickness, but can't get any relief. I have been eating bland food, several small meals a day, sucking on lemon drops, not eating and drinking at the same time, crackers, ginger ale, etc. Can anyone suggest anything else to try? My Dr. told me to stop taking my pre-natal for now, but the nausea started before I started taking the vitamin, so I doubt that will help. I've done a little research on the internet, and I read taking half of a unisom with 50 mg. of vitamin B6 at bedtime is supposed to help and is safe. Does anyone know anything about that? My dr. said I could try it if I want to, buy my husband doesn't like the idea. It drives me crazy, because he has no idea how a feel. I have to get up every morning feeling like I have the stomach flu and take care of my toddler and keep the house clean like nothing
is wrong. Please, if anyone has something that worked for them, let me know. I'm desperate to get some releif!

Thanks for reading my whiny message!

Hi Amy -
I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. My doctor is very conservative, and her recommendations for nausea are either 1) Vitamin B6, 50 mg twice a day or 2) Emetrol (this is a class A drug - completely safe during pregnancy and is available over the counter). I didn't have nausea as bad as you -- so I never tried either remedy.

I can tell you that in the past when I've taken B complex vitamins I have noticed a big improvement in a short period of time. (I took it because I was feeling a lot of fatigue -- it helped almost immediately).

Good luck to you ,
Jennifer k
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. My morning sickness wasn't that severe, but I did find some relief with the B vitamins. I'm sure different things work for different people. I actually bought a couple of bags of "preggie pops", they're morning sickness lollipops. I think they helped. Sometimes it's hard to tell what'd working!
Here's their website if you're interested:
Good Luck,
Amy, I don't have any suggestions since I haven't had this problem much. But I just wanted to write and sympathize. It is very difficult to go through our daily routines when we feel terrible. And to have a toddle who must need your attention! How far along are you? If you are in your first trimester still, there is always that end to look forward to since they say these sorts of symptoms usually improve by then. Hang in there, hope you feel a little better day by day. --Gina
Hi Amy,

I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. I had sickness 24/7 literally from the moment I found out I was pregnant! I also picked up a viral sickness/diahorrhea bug at about 5 weeks pregnant and didn't eat anything except apples and rice for 5 days, so I really do sympathise with how rotten you are feeling.

The only thing which helped with my sickness, was making sure I ate something as soon as I woke up (usually a plain biscuit whilst still horizontal!) and then waiting 10 minutes before I actually got up. Then, I had to make sure I ate a bowl of cereal with milk as soon as I got downstairs.

The other thing which really helped me throughout the day was inhaling pure Peppermint essential oil. I work as an Aromatherapist, so am lucky enough to have access to a range of oils, however, Peppermint is especially good for sickness/stomach upsets. I couldn't stomach drinking Peppermint Tea, but the smell of the oil really helped to take the edge off the sickness. You can put a drop on a tissue and carry it around with you during the day. The oil is inhaled straight into the lungs and then back out again, so the exchange is very quick, which means almost immediate relief (obviously assuming it also works for you!). Another oil to try if Peppermint is not doing the trick, is Ginger. Just make sure you buy the oils from a reliable, reputable source. Obviously, whilst I am aqualified Aromatherapist, I am not au fait with your personal medical history, so you may want to check with your GP/Midwife before using these oils for inhalation. However, provided you are fit and healthy, they are great, completely natural remedies for helping to alleviate sickness.

Hope this helps and that you start feeling more "human" soon!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Thanks you for all the helpful suggestions. I have only been taking 1 B6 vitamin per day. Maybe I will try 2 and see if that helps. I found the Preggie Pops website over the weekend and ordered some...hopefully they will be here soon. I heard how helpful ginger is to some people, so I've been drinking ginger tea and ginger ale. They seem to settle my stomach a little bit. I am only 8 weeks pregnant, so yes, hopefully this will all be just a memory in a few weeks. It's just so hard to look past it when you're going through it. It feels like it's never going to end! I haven't even been able to exercise for the last 2 weeks, which makes me feel even worse. I tried forcing myself a couple of times, thinking I might feel better afterward. I huffed and puffed my way through a 45 minute workout, and felt worse when I got done. Wow Kaz! I can't even imagine having a "bug" on top of it. That must have been absolutely horrible!

Thanks again. I will try every suggestion until I find something that works for me!

Oh Amy! I am right where you are: extremely nauseous 24/7! I have been trying all of the remedies you have, and with very little success. I have only successfully eaten saltines, ginger ale and tater tots (yes, tater tots! How weird is that?) for the past three weeks. I feel your misery: it DOES feel like it will never end!!!

I haven't succeeded in combating nausea: BUT I have combated the guilt of not being able to participate fully in the care of the house and family. I told my husband that I have the equivalent of the stomach flu and it's here to stay until it goes. Therefore, he hires me a maid, or he's doing the housework himself. Because I am coming home from work and SLEEPING!

Like you, Amy, I've really dropped exercising quite a bit. Since working out lifts my mood and makes me feel good, I think I probably feel worse just from not working out. I've found that even a mild yoga workout will help in the mood-lifting department somewhat. But we will get through this -- only a few more weeks!!
What worked for me was not taking my vitamins. The iron made me sick. And, it was like that for the whole pregnancy. The other thing that worked for me was candied ginger. This gives more ginger than ginger ale, and I really enjoyed it. I found it made me feel better, not just helping with the nausea, but better in general. Of course, who doesn't feel better when they aren't constantly thinking about yakking?
Something that helped me a lot was something I dubbed "hot vanilla." It's a cup of hot milk ( just short of boiling, like with hot chocolate ), about half a tsp. of vanilla, and a teaspoon or so of sugar, depending on how sweet I wanted it that day. I sipped it slowly, and it really helped take the edge off the nausea. I also stopped taking my prenatals, which helped tremendously as well.

A friend of mine tried the Unisom remedy, and it worked wonders for her. I was never comfortable with taking it, even though I knew it was safe.

Last but not least, as insane as it sounds, exercising really helped as well, especially with the fatigue. If I could just get moving for even 15 minutes or so, I felt so much better.

Good luck! I know it feels like forever, but it wil be over soon! ((((HUGS)))) Hang in there!!

Erin and Rebecca ( due March 8, 2003 )
Morning sickness just about kills me too!

And i've had my share of it believe me. It was twice as bad with my identical twins. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I feel for you and tell you that chewing on a raw carrot really helped with the sick feeling. Also pear apples. Something crispy to get that bad taste out of my mouth. I really would go to sleep crunching on carrots. I craved anything orange! And it will pass soon.

Take care,
Mandy Lee
RE: Morning sickness just about kills me too!

I have a question. For those of you who stopped taking your pre-natal vitamin, did you start taking a regular one like One A Day? My Dr. told me it was okay to stop taking mine, but I worry about it because right now my diet is far from balanced. The thought of eating a vegetable right now makes me gag, so I haven't had one in 3 weeks now. I make sure I drink OJ everyday for the folic acid, but I know I've got to be missing out on other stuff too. I broke down and tried the Unisom with B6, and it did make me feel a little better. My husband isn't happy with my decision. Maybe I'm weak, but I just couldn't take the constant sick feeling anymore. He insisted that I call the Dr. and double check that it is okay, and I'm still waiting to hear back. The "hot vanilla" idea sounds really good. That's next on my list to try!

Thanks for all the suggestions!

Has anyone tried travel bands for morning sickness? They are elasticated bands with points that press on specific pressure points on the insides of the wrists. In my experience, they work for travel sickness. I guess you would have to wear them all night. (I got mine from Boots chemist, in the UK.)
I forgot to mention it my first post, but I have been using the Sea Bands, and they don't seem to help. It is so frustrating to go through all these different things and not find anything that helps! My Dr. called back today and apparently she didn't understand what I said when I asked her if I could take the Unisom and B6 together. She doesn't speak English well, so I could see how that could happen. Anyway, nobody there seemed to have any idea what I was talking about. They pretty much just quoted the pregnancy warning off the back of the Unisom box and told me not to take it. I have researched this, and I know it is safe! I told them okay, I'll stop taking it even though it's the only thing that was working. I think I am going to switch providers, though. There have been other things about this Dr. that bothered me. When I was giving birth to my first son, literally when I was pushing him out, she was standing there chatting with her nurse about times where things went wrong during labor and how "we almost lost the baby that time". Not exactly what I need to hear at that moment!


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