My local Target FINALLY has Kettlebells............


I just couldn't believe that my lil old town has actually started carrying them in our Target!

I've read that an 18-20 KB is good to start with but I only saw a 15 and a 20 # KB... Which should I get?

I can match Cathe on most of her weight work so as a 'never have touched a KB before' which should I get?

I've done a search for it in here but came up empty for my specific question, granted tons of KB talk but nothing that would answer my question. ;)

Thanks in advance

Hi Vilma! I started with 15 and quickly felt like I wanted more but wasn't sure I could do 20. I ended up with an 18. I would say that I match Cathe on some of her weight work, but there are some that I don't either. I almost feel like I could go up to 20 now except for some moves (like turkish get ups, overhead squats, and windmills). For swings I have a 26 lb one coming that I plan to use. I hope this was some help, it's a tough decision when they cost so darn much!
I got a 26lb when it was right in front of me and I didn't have to pay shipping. I've also ordered a 9 and 18lb. I'm getting into them very slowly; so far I just do a few swings with the 26 to get my heart rate up for a different workout. ;)
Hi Vilma!

I would recommend the 20lb kettlebell. I match Cathe's weights and sometimes go higher and I started with the 20lb. I was playing around with it for a while but never really tried a DVD until just a couple of weeks ago. And now that I have, I can tell that I'll be able to increase the poundage on some of the exercises after a few more workouts so I ordered a 25lb one just last week. The 20lb one will still challenge me for a while, though, so I feel good about investing in both.

Okay, so here's a confession, don't tell Target...;) When my first kettlebell DVD came, I didn't really want to try it with the 20 so I went out and bought the 10 at Target (they didn't have the 15 in stock). I took it out of the box and used it for a couple of exercises. I realized it was way too light, put it back in the box and returned it. :eek: Hey, they aren't cheap!!!!:p
Hi Vilma!

Okay, so here's a confession, don't tell Target...;) When my first kettlebell DVD came, I didn't really want to try it with the 20 so I went out and bought the 10 at Target (they didn't have the 15 in stock). I took it out of the box and used it for a couple of exercises. I realized it was way too light, put it back in the box and returned it. :eek: Hey, they aren't cheap!!!!:p

Shame on you Wilson :p Actually, I don't blame you!!!

I want me some KBs:cool::cool:

Thank you Ladies,

I have 2 work outs with these kettlebells but I still don't know what weight to buy to start with. I even have Amy's new work outs with KB's and have a little more idea, but it is a big
investment and I really want to have a weight that is good for me for the KB work out,
I match Cathe with weight too, but is that enough of an indicator to judge for a kettlebell?

I think I will go for the 20 lb if I am crazy the 25 lb what do the seasoned KB exercisers
think? Would love to know thanks Cathe people XOXO!!

Thanks in advance, Bri.
Thanks all I ended up getting the 15# as I just was not sure so I played it safe.

The dvd that came with it gave me enough of a taste for the exercises that I went ahead and ordered my 1st dvd, and if I feel i need the 20# I saved the box :p from the one I got today.

Thanks for the replies


If you guys have "Play it again sports" in your area, check with the store first. The stores in my area (Pasadena, Ca) carry kettlebells for $1.49 per pound. They aren't pretty but they are inexpensive compared to other places.

Edited to add: The store near me carries 9lb, 18lb, 26lb, 35 lb and up. I asked the store manager about a 15 lb bell, and he said "they send the bells in these weight denominations only" and pointed to the rack.
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