My legs are on FIRE!...


Before I even speak, please notice the post time....4am!

I got out of the bed for a "potty run" and almost fell on my face! Lying in bed I knew my legs were feeling a little tight/sore, but I expected a little "getting use to running" soreness, but it wasn't until I stood up and attempted to walk that I realized, "something is horribly, horribly wrong here!"
From my knee caps down the entire front of my legs I feel like there's an inner string of fire, and then it just sort of "dances" around my ankles like "ring-around-the-rosey!"
Clearly a case of DOMS from my new walk/jog adventure yesterday and Sunday night, but what now?
I've read that doing a milder form of whatever gave you the muscle soreness is a good way of alleviating some of the soreness, but I hadn't planned on going back out quite so soon, and I'm wondering if it's okay to step? I was suppose to do Intense Moves + Leaner Legs this morning, but I'm afraid Gin might put me in traction, and if she doesn't, surely Cathe will!
So what's the verdict?
A regular step video + Leaner Legs (w/lighter weight of course) or do I go walking to repair whatever I did to myself yesterday?

Any and all thoughts appreciated, and did anyone else have such soreness when beginning a walk/jog program? Maybe I should have JUST walked for the first week or so huh? I always jump feet first into things! You'd think you'd know better by the time you got 38 y/o! :)

Thanks guys,
You may want to do something kindert to the knees today. Maybe you could consider powerwalking for a couple of weeks before adding in the jogging.

FYI...before I go out to walk I do these stretches:

Stand on the edge of a step (your basement steps with hand rails would work real good) and raise and lower your heels for about 30 reps. Go slow and easy. Then stretch your foot the other way with your toes pointing down. Alternate a couple of times and then start your walk.

You really CAN get great benefits from just power walking, and it's much easier on the knees.
Thanks Honeybunch,

I'll try those stretches prior to going out from now on. I knew to warm up before breaking into a brisk pace, and stretch afterwards, but given the feeling of my legs today, those stretches will be a part of my warm up before leaving the house.

I will go easier today. The tightness is beginning to subside, but gradually, so I think I'll do a little light impact cardio and depending on how I feel after that, I'll decide what lower body workout to do, no point popping in LL if I can't do it right! :)
Hi, Donna! In addition to the stretches that Honeybunch suggested, you may also want to consider seated toe pulls to strengthen the anterior calf muscles, which tend to be neglected in anyone's workout program (including mine):

Sit on the floor and extend both legs out in front, until there is only a modest bend in both knees, and flex the right foot;

Place the heel of the left foot in the toe bed of the right foot;

Simultaneously push down through the left heel while resisting with the right foot, until the right foot is fairly extended; then

Simultaneously flex the right foot while resisting with the left heel.

Do these for 12-16 reps, then switch and work the left leg similarly.

Hope this helps -

Another good thing to do to strengthen the shin area, is to walk around a bit with your toes up. It looks silly, but you can do it while going around the house doing other stuff. And stretch the area by sitting on your heels.
Hey Donna!

Suggest you slow it down & get used to regular walking before launching into walk/jogs. If your muscles are screaming, imagine what your joints are feeling. Start each walk slowly to warm-up & get into the habit of stretching after each walk.

Yeah, without a doubt I will not attempt to push myself too quickly with this. I am so anal about avoiding injuries and practicing safe exercise/fitness.
I opted for a step workout this morning (Gilad: Step Aerobics) which is mid-high intensity/low impact, so I still felt I got a good workout, and my legs felt much better afterwards (hair of the dog I guess!) and I stretched really well after the cardio and after my weight work.
But I'll print out these stretching routines to do both before and after I walk, as well as days between when I don't. I just want to incorporate walking/jogging into my other cardio routine, maybe going for 2x/week. Afterall, I love step and kickboxing WAY too much to give them up! :)
Thanks for the stretches and support everyone,
Donna, I know this is going to sound really cold, but all I could do is sit & laugh picturing you jumping out of bed to run to the bathroom & realizing that OH MY GOD!!!! IT HURTS TO MOVE!!!! I'm sorry, I've been there, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts & it will hurt for days! Or so it will seem. Just keep stretching. It will get better.

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
The ibuprofen must have kicked in, 'cause you've got your sense of humor. Hair of the dog thru a fitness video? LOL.

Anyhow, several of us did you wrong in our enthusiasm. Must have been the endomorphins. One should not start a walk/run program until one can walk comfortably for 30 minutes over the planned terrain. Pretty basic: walk before you run.


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