My hips tilted


I was wondering if anyone else here has had this problem? I was bent over blow drying my hair upside down and all of a sudden it felt like my hips slid forward!! It felt gross and kind of hurt when I tried to stand up. It aches alittle now but hurts mostly after sitting down and I feel stiff when I stand up. When I wake up in the morning I feel fine. But once the day goes on I get a little sore again.

My PA told me I might feel fine in a couple of days or I may need to go to a chiropractor or to a docter for some manipulations to get it back into place. I don't like the sounds of that, it grosses me out. Has anyone had this problem and could you get it back with something you did at home??

I had a a hip that was tilted inward for years and then it started bothering me. I went to a physical therapist and they said that it is accumulated muscle tightness. I started stretching the hipflexor area 3-4 times a day and did some lower back stretches and it finally released itself and the hip felt so much better. I would highly recommend a chiro for a quick fix. They do those kind of adjustments constantly and it might just fix it without anything else being done. Also, laying on your back and putting you feet straight up against the wall making sure your butt touches the wall as well, helps shift the hips in alignment. Good luck and hope you are better soon.


my physical therapist told me that my hips were not aligned, that my right side was tilted more forward than the left side , she said it could be from childbirth or hormones,and the same tightness that the above poster said, well she twisted my legs in odd positons, and pushed and pulled my hips to pop it back in place. yep, sounds gross, but at least you knew something was wrong, I didn't know. When I lay down she could feel something with my ankles and legs and tell that my hips were out of whack!!!
Add one more person to the list of tilted hips. I was playing volyball and landed on my tailbone and "saw stars". I had xrays and I didn't break my tailbone but I bruised it. It took a LONG time to heal. I had such bad lower back pain for months until I finally went to a Doctor of Osteopathic Manipulation. This Doctor went to medical school for Osteopathic medicine and then decided to try manipulation. Since he went to medical school he DOES NOT like to be called a Chiropractor. He only wants to see me when I am in pain. He said my hips were tilted and twisted and one of hips was "up in the air", meaning now one of my legs is longer than the other. I have to where a lift in my shoe.

The treatment felt weird but good. Like something "released" in my bones. That night my whole body ached. But, every treatment I got better. The manipulation itself does not hurt though.

Welcome to the club. Don't wait to treat. I kept thinking it was going to get better and it didn't.

I hope you feel better soon.:)
I have a right pelvis that 'turns out', acording to the chiropractor. It sounds like it's the opposite direction of what others are talking about? Supposedly it is related to my scoliosis, but I have no other information. I don't like to think of it either..just seems a bit wrong. :) Anyway, my back problems have been aggravated lately, I think by having to wear a walking cast for a number of weeks, and I'll be going to a doctor to get more information.
I want to thank everyone for putting in there 2cents!! I appreciate it! I am going to try the butt to the wall with legs in the air as soon as I get off the computer!! I will also have to get an appt to see the Dr. too!!

Again, Thanks SO Much


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