My Health update ...

Yeah there are medications you can take as i was on one, but it didn't agree with me. What it does is relaxes the bladder to stop it contracting so much and allow your bladder to fill up normally again. You can do a search on for irritated bladder or overactive bladder and see what you come up with. You might find it helpful. I really hope you get better. I know the misery of having to pee all the time and its not nice. I find doing high inpact cardio difficult now as my body doesn't like the jumping around anymore!

Ditropan XL

Please bare in mind that i was on this drug and it gave me very bad kidney pain, now this might just be me as i've heard good things about this, so if you get some, let me know if it helps. The funny thing about this drug is that it gives you a dry mouth!!! hence making you want to drink more, hence making you go to the toilet more!!!

I posted on Wayne's other thread (defeating dietary displacement)about my bladder troubles. Acupuncture and chinese herbs gave me great relief. Good luck!

I don't know anything about these things, but have the Docs ruled out bladder stones? I know that is a rare thing, but just a thought if there's no infection. Perhaps a proper scan (not just x-ray)could rule that out?

Hi Wayne,
I don't post often but I was having the same problem. It ended up being colitis. The swelling in my intestines from the colitis was actually pushing on my bladder . I was misdiagnosed for 4 years. And given tons of antibiotics.

You don't always have the same symptoms for things that doctors think you should have and because i wasn't having severe diarrhea that comes from colitis at that time the doctors couldn't figured it out. Once i became really bad and the severe diarrhea hit they figured it out. But only after I requested a colonoscopy.

Doctors don't seem to realize inflammation in one area of the body can affect many other areas of the body. I had back pain sometimes with it but not always. Just a constant pressure to go and my bladder just wouldn't empty all the way. I usually slept through the night. Once i gave up yeast, sugar and chocolate. I no longer have problems. If every once in awhile i have a break down and eat bread or chocolate I usually get that miserable pressure back. But i had to figure it out on my own. I have talked to other people that had colitis and they mentioned about there bladder problems and then i realized it went right along with colitis and that i was on the right track on getting rid of it. I know how miserable you are. Hope you get better. Of course this probably isn't the problem but it might help you never know.

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