My Gym Nightmare!

Hey Emily,

Oh trust me, I don't think you're being a know-it-all. You are correct, except that for the first part of my membership, I did use the credit card system... they managed to completely screw me over in that department, too. Bad!! Only worse, because I couldn't get out of that one. That is why I switched payment methods (they wouldn't let me do cash, or anything month-to-month, which made me very irate. I wasn't sure if that was legal, either. At least in this recent case, my bank was very supportive and gave me my money back. I believe this is a special case, because I'm not sure how many banks would do this. And no more gym contracts for me!! My boyfriend said it very well when he said, Just look at it like you are paying for an education. You now know exactly what not to do again. And boy, is he right.

I am calling the corporate office again in the morning. No stopping until it's resolved :)

I didn't read all the posts in this thread (it's 4:50 am and I skim through them to catch up), but I suggest you unleash your local TV investigative reporter on them! Also your local newspaper. Some bad publicity will make them sit up and take notice!

Just Do It! :)
Definitely call Tom Martino, the consumer advocate. He has dealt with these issues in the past and can help you. He is based in Denver but now his show is nationwide.I think you should mention the company. My guess is that it begins with a B or a 24.
I am in Rockaway New jersey...i belong to small gym that is pretty inexpensive and i have had no problems like this but it really scares me away from joining those "bigger name" gyms!
What a horror story!
Definitely contact the consumer protection organizations that others have listed. Also, you mentioned previously that a police officer was a member of the gym. I wonder if he got @&^^$*$ over too?

A joint lawsuit might be the way to go. I'm not a lawyer, though, so I'm not sure.
Well, I've got some good news. I managed to get a hold of the corporate office this morning (meaning somebody actually helped me) and they told me that I was taken care of. They told me that I would be getting a refund and that my membership would be cancelled immediately. I did tell them not to refund me, because I was given my money back (I should screw them, too, but I couldn't bring myself to do it). Can you believe it? I was so pumped up for a fight, that I needed to go for a walk afterwards... there was nowhere for the negative energy to go :)

This is not disuading me at all from making sure their name and their intentions get out in the open. I am going to visit that consumer protection organization site and see what I can do.

Oh, and since nobody seems to think there's a problem with getting their name out on the forum, it is Nevada Fitness. I don't know, however, what their name goes by in other states... It's probably just the name of the state. So, any of you living in Nevada, please think twice before going with them. I live in Elko specifically (right smack dab in the middle of nowhere) but we're big enough to have a few gyms. Just don't pick that one!!! :)

Thanks everybody. My blood is still pumping for some good ol' fashioned "pay-back". }(

I was thinking about this a bit more, and it seems to me that some of there actions might actually be illegal. The person who would deal with that might be the district attorney, since it would be a crime and not just personal damages. Keep in mind that my legal "expertise" comes from long hours of watching Law and Order and other such shows! ;-)
OMGosh!!!!!!! My heart-rate went up reading this, too! And, I especially empathize because I HATE, HATE confrontations and avoid it like anything.

I have no plans of ever joining a gym, but if I sign up for any automatic payments, I will use a credit card I can easily cancel.
I need to barge in here and assure anyone that a YMCA would be safe for anyone to join, and they won't pull any crap on you. Our local system also has the "Away" feature which allows you to go to Y's all across the country when you're on vacation and the like.

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