My gym experience!


Okay everyone, I want to share my gym experience. I think that we all need some comic relief and a good laugh. I went to the YMCA at 6am before I took a shower or brushed my teeth. I threw on old smelly sweats and barely managed to pull my thick coarse unruly hair into something that resembled a ponytail. I look like Frankenstein in the morning. I get stuck in a parking space that is the way end of the lot. Who knew the Y is that busy then? Well, I have to compete with a snowbank the size of a house to get to the meter. I fall in the snow, dropping my last quarter and soaking my hair and body. I finally get up and have to fish under the backseats of my car to find a quarter (and an old mini snickers which I pop in my mouth because I'm starving and of course because I'm trying to be healthy, I curse myself for doing so) I make it to the front of the door and I can smell the baking of muffins and cinnamon buns from the bakery two doors down. I get to the front desk, where I ask the girl for a towel. She tells me that she can give me a damp one because their dryer is broken. I decline. So I go into the locker room. Where my locker is, there is an older woman getting dressed. She is using powder like she never be able to have it again, and I end up looking like a white ghost, as does my bag. My locker door is jammed and I end up blooding my finger trying to jar it open. I go to the front desk to ask for a band aid, the only ones they have is Barbie doll ones for the little girls, so I take it. Now I have beautiful, skinny, blonde, perfectly white teeth Barbie smiling up at me. Well, I get to the workout room. There is a few people on the cardio machines. I go to the weights. I'm by myself. I start on the bench with a chest press. I finish my set, which took me at most a minute, and are about to put the weights back when this man rushes up to me. He starts yelling at me because I "stole" the weights he needed to use, then he starts muttering Russian under his breath, I'm sure he wasn't telling me to have a good day. So I decide to run around the track. Then in comes the aerobic instructors, which could be Playboy bunnies. They all have their hair, nails and makeup done, why I don't know. They are wearing very fitting, leave little to the imagination tank tops and shorts. Now I'm sweaty and tired, huffing and puffing, and smell like a rotting dead animal carcass. The girls get on the track as I have stopped, bent over having a heart attack. They are really running, looking perfect with absolutely no bounce, with smiles on their faces. I try to hobble off the track before they reach me but one of them bumps right into me! She stops as the others continues, is all apologetic with her Revlon blond hair, heavily mascared eyes, and a bleached teeth smile. "I'm sorry" she says, then blurts out, "We're very serious about exercise, us girls. We run the track everyday at this time. You must be new because everyone knows that and allows us the use of the track. You must be careful, some one in your shape needs to start out slow." She emphasizes the words your shape and slow. I just grin, thinking 'Listen you plastic, made up bimbo, I'll show you how fast some one in my shape can kick your butt' I leave the area flustered and annoyed. I get back to the locker room where there is another one of them next to my locker. She says hello and asks me how I am, then tells me she saw me on the track, and carefully explains that maybe someday I'll look as good as her. She runs 5 miles, swims 5 miles, and bikes 5 miles a day. She tells me not to be discouraged, as she stuffs a donut in her mouth. Well, I go to leave and there is another instructor outside by the door smoking. She smiles and tells me to come again. As I get to my car, another woman is trying to squeeze her huge SUV into the sandbox space next to me, which she can't and ends up scraping my passenger side. Not really bad but noticeable. She gets out, also pretty and perfumed, and is all "so sorry" She looks me up and down as if I'm an elephant and wants to exchange info. Then she says that she parks in this space the same time, every day and it's her space because she is very serious about coming to the Y and exercise. As she's giving me her information, she tells me that if I keep at it, I'll look as good as her. I get her info, and close my eyes, put my hands over my face to ask what have I done to have a morning like this. I open my eyes to see my Barbie band aid staring at me. I rip it off as I rapidly walk to the bakery to get a brownie!x(
That story is to funny:) Normally I don't read really long post but that one kept me going.See, this is why we should stick to our Cathe workouts.When I do my workout all I have to deal with are the two guinea pigs squecking at me.They are probably wondering why I am up so early considering that they have been up all night long.To bad, they can stay up for an extra hour.
I never go to the gym.For a few reasons I guess.
#1.I don't want to pay that much for a gym membership
#2.If I went my husband would tag along, so then that would be 2 memberships.
#3.Then we would have to pay a babysitter
#4.I live in a very small town, so the gym , is just another social gathering place.I would be the talk of many conversations that evening.Everyone knows everyone in this town.Did you see her? Looks like she has weight on? Looks like she has lost weight? I wonder what she eats? How come her husband wasn't with her? They must be broke up? Did you see her talking to that guy? I could go on FOREVER.And I am not exaggerating.This town is crazy!
Hope your day ends better then it started.Gave me a good laugh before bed time.
Whatever happened to your friend that threw out your Cathe videos?(that was you right) You should make her go to the gym with you as a form of punishment :7
Cookiebaby - that is the funniest gym experience I think I have ever heard of. Sounds like a bad movie! At least you made it out alive. I hope your week gets better. That proves it is a lot safer to workout at home to Cathe! What were you thinking during this experience? Were you laughing to yourself? Or were you afraid of what would happen next?

I can't believe how rude those girls were. You should of accidently squired your water in their mascara filled eye or something (not really......)

Thanks for the funny laugh. I really needed it tonight. I hope your week is safer at home!

p.s. I am almost certain that by the time you got that brownie in your hand it was gone within 30 seconds and you weren't givin' a s*it how bad it was for you..... am I right??? I sure wouldn't have cared after a morning like that:)
The whole time I was reading your post, I kept thinking "I am so glad I workout at home, I am so glad I workout at home". Ack! You just scared me off from ever joining a gym! I think you just lived my worst gym nightmare! I think I would rather be fat that to deal with what you just dealt with. Seriously, you got a basement or something you can put a weight bench, dumbells, treadmill and a TV in?
The perfect reply to those plastic chicks who make remarks about your "shape" or lack of it, "I can lose weight, but you will remain a jerk!" This will sail over her fake blonde-haired head, but you will get the ultimate satisfaction!
The whole time reading this, all I could think of was:

"There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

I knew there was a reason I dislike gyms - now I remember! I hope your day got much better, and thank you so much for sharing an awful yet very humerous experience. In response to looking like those "girls", when will society approve of exercise for health FIRST, cosmetic affects SECOND or lower! I wonder if they ever considered that you may not WANT to look like them! Some people just need to be slapped }( !


PS - Lori - I think I grew up in your town! Just kidding, but small town life in NS sounds exactly like your trip to the gym at home (look at her; doesn't she think she's just it; her and hubby must have split and she's trying to lose weight to land another man)Honestly!!!!!
Funny story, sorry about your experience, but at least you (we) can laugh with you! This story reminds me of the main character in Janet Evanovich's series of books. Her name is Stephanie Plum. They're a must read for a good laugh!!

Hang in there!

> This story reminds me of the main
>character in Janet Evanovich's series of books. Her name is
>Stephanie Plum. They're a must read for a good laugh!!

You just mentioned my favorite series of books! I've read 4 of them and have to go buy the next few. You're absolutely right that her story is similar to Stephanie Plum's experiences.

Anyway, sorry to hear about your bad gym experience, cookie. You just reinforced my decision to stay home and workout with Cathe. Hang in there and keep laughing!
Those girls are JERKS!! I belong to LifeTime Fitness (in a suburb of Chicago) and I never see girls with makeup on acting that way. The people I see there aren't out to impress anyone. They go there to work out, do their thing and leave. I really like it a lot! They also have free 2 hour daycare. The kids have mini basket ball courts, large screen TV's, computers and all kinds of cool stuff. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Shallow people like that aren't worth getting upset over. If anything, they're just making total fools of themselves!! There's a way to be classy and beautiful without having to be so shallow and tacky!!! With that kind of attitude, those girls weren't beautiful at all...they were downright UGLY!!!

Danielle :D
Ohhhh MY!:7 I am cracking up here but I am sorry you had such a horrible morning! This is one of the many reasons I am so happy to be a home exerciser!! Those "instructors" sounded very rude to me. The lady that scraped your car had no right to say it was "her" spot because she comes every day either. And people wonder why there are those that give up on exercising! We need more people like Cathe in this world out there motivating and lifting peoples spirits!
Hey,cookiebaby, you've got us, we know how you feel! I really hope your day gets better!!!! Susan
Retrieve those Cathe tapes and skip the gym. TOO FUNNY! Although my cockatoo wouldn't agree, he works out with me in the basement and one of my non hex dumbbells rolled over him the other day, thankfully it was a 10 pound and he ducked and just made it under the handle part. Sometimes I think he'd rather me do something else in the morning, but he continues to sit by my head whilst doing sit ups and sits on the barbell for chest presses!!! What dedicated bird.


Oh, how cute!! I can't imagine a little birdie doing that!!! My kitty gets in the way sometimes too.

Danielle :7
stacy and volleyballife!

I love the Stephanie Plum series! Volleyball, you've got 4 books to purchase! Janet's up as far as Hard Eight. I hope she comes out wuth more - Ilove that series too! I don't know which guy I like more Joe Morelli or Ranger! :9
To Evanovich fans....just making sure you're aware of a newer series she has written with another author Charlotte Hughes (?). She's on book number 2. The first is called Full House, the second Full Tilt.

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