my first hike


My SIL invited me to go hiking. She wouldn't tell me where we were going. Well we went to Usery Park and hiked a trail called Wind Cave which is 1.6 miles. The park was only 10-12 miles down the road from where I live. As we are hiking up she points out lots of different things, looks at every lizard scurrying by and asks me if I like it. I loved it. We started the trail at 8:40 and ended at 12:45. We did stop and rest a couple of times going up. We sat at the top and took pictures and ate apples and peanuts. We were at the top for about 35 minutes. We had to go slower coming down because of her hip joints. We also stopped a lot to look at rocks. We each had a walking stick. It was wonderful using it coming down. We drank lots and lots of water. She gave me some hiking boots from Popular so I didn't have to wear tennies. There were a lot of older people on the mountain, those people were movin'it.LOL It felt really good to make it to the top. I was definitely feeling it in the climb up. Coming down was a breeze. She wants to hike some mountain called "The A mountain" tomorrow. That is a much shorter hike. I don't mind as long as I am not sore.:D
That sounds like fun. If only I could get motivated to hike. It would definitely help me destress, I think. I'm glad you had fun. Would you share your SIL with me?:)
I love hiking - nothing like getting out and breathing in really fresh air every now and again! Great job! Glad to hear it, and thanks for sharing!
My SIL is very motivating. She is always all or nothing in any situation. I didn't realize how close I was to trails. They are a lot of fun. My other SIL (her younger sister) does back pack camping. I guess that is where EVERYTHING you are going to use while camping has to fit into a back pack. She also climbs every mountain she sees. I definitely will never go alone. Plus it gives you someone to talk to. There was a couple in their mid twenties that were running up the entire thing.

P.S. If any of you are avid hikers (mostly locally in your area), how often do you go? She wants to go twice a week.
Sounds pretty cool Heather, I will have to check that one out. I regularly frequent Thunderbird park trails, North mtn. been to Squaw Peak, Camelback. I LOVE hiking. Being outdoors and exercising is my nirvana!;-)
Thanks for the link. I will check it out. We probably took way too long going up/down, but I have to stay at her pace. They have a trail there that is 7.6 miles. I wouldn't mind trying that one. :eek:
JUst wanted to add that is it now the day after the hike and this is what I felt: the bottom of my heels were tender for about the first 2 minutes of walking on them. My calves feel like they have been through a really good stretch. I thought I was going to wake up all sore, but I'm glad I didn't.:D
Glad you had so much fun hiking, but YOU ARE KILLING ME! I got mountains behind and I don't have anyone to go hiking with me up there. I mean, the mountains are practically in my back yard!!!! I won't go by myself because two women were murdered up there a few years ago. Nothing like taking my dog "Speck" with me to protect me. LOL! This weekend we were suppose to hike, but DH is going to his dad's instead. Big Meadows is the best place to hike. Deer come right out up to you. They are not afraid of people as alot of people have probably fed them. Likely to see a bear or two as well. There is a biking trail up there too that I have never been on. Alot of the trails have the waterfalls. I can also see where I live from that side of the mountain, looking down. It is so awesome. I GOT TO GET UP THERE>....CAN SOMEONE COME UP WITH ME???????

I'm going on my first hike this weekend here in central Vermont. I moved up here over a year ago and I've been dying to get out there hiking. My dh and I recently met another couple who are avid hikers and they volunteered to take us up on our maiden voyage. I'm sooooo excited.
Hi Heather! Congrats on your hike! It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I live right outside of Boulder Colorado, so the foothills of the Rocky Mountains are right in my backyard. Even though I am so close, I am embarassed to say that I don't get there as often as I like. I would say we hike about 2x a month when it is nice out. As a matter of fact, I am going with 2 of my friends this weekend. I just love it. It is great being outside and climbing mountains!!! My quads always have a great burn after these hikes. I hope that you continue to enjoy hiking and that you find some more great trails.

Happy hiking,


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