My first few pounds of weight loss with Cathe


Active Member
I started exercising more this month using Cathe's workouts. At the beginning of the month I weighed 271 and now I weigh 268. Not a big difference, but I am so glad to be out of the 270's - I was there for so long. Plus, a woman came up to me before my dance class and asked me if I'm losing weight. I said, "Yeah, a little!" and she said, "I can tell." :) So maybe I've lost more than 3lbs of fat...or maybe my body is just starting to change...or maybe I'm just standing a bit taller because I feel stronger.

So I'm doing Low Max once a week, along with 2 days of strength training (one day of upper body, and one day of lower body - or I'll split a total body workout in half and do the first half one day and the second half the next day), and one or two days of Step Blast or another cardio workout. I modify everything. On some days, especially if I'm sore, I'll just do about 30 min. of yoga or stretching.

I'm still new to some of the videos (I enjoyed doing C&W for the first time yesterday) so I'm still trying to figure out the best rotation(s) for me.

I've been enjoying coming to this forum and reading the posts. You guys are so inspiring. :)
Wow! You're the one who's inspiring!! That's fantastic. I think it's absolutely amazing that you're taking charge of your health and it sounds to me like you're doing it in a very sensible way.

So I raise my glass (of water, of course) to you! Well done!
Hi!! Sounds like you are more than well than on your way!!! Congratulations!!!! I LOVE Step Blast and C&W myself. Aren't they great? So happy for you!! :) :) :)
Whoohoooo, and congrats!! I agree with Shelley- YOU are inspiring! :)

I think it's wonderful that you're doing Cathe workouts. I started my weight loss journey at 285 pounds and worked my way down to 205 with Kathy Smith and Lesile Sansone. They were great and provided an excellent foundation, but I wish I would have found out about Cathe earlier. Kudos to you!

You are very wise to use modifications and listen to your body. It can be the hardest thing in the world to do at times, but doing so on a consistent basis will reap many, many rewards. Keep up the good work!

Welcome to the forums! I'm fairly new myself and, like you, find these women incredibly inspiring.

Connie :D
Good job! Every pound counts! Even though the scale hasn't changed much, I'm sure your muscle tone has which really changes the way we carry ourselves! You should be very happy with yourself!
Good for you! You are doing an awesome job at taking care of yourself. Keep it up & stay positive!:7
Remember no one can get to where they want to go without starting where they're at. And you are already well on your way!!!
Keep on keepin' on!:D

CONGRATULATIONS! What an awesome story! Nothing wrong with modifying - we've probably all done in at one point. Just listen to your body! Great rotation!!

C&W is one of my favorites, too!!

Awesome! It feels so good, doesn't it??? My fave is BootCamp and LowMax and HSChallenge and Imax 2 and Muscle Max....well, you get the point. I have been doing Cathe for almost a year, and I STILL modify, so don't feel bad!

Keep up the good work! You are doing great!

WOW. I'm impressed!! Low Max is hard enough for me, and I've been exercising for a few years at a fairly low weight (after losing a bunch)! I can't imagine STARTING with Low Max!

Weight loss is SO fun when others start noticing. Enjoy your hard-earned compliment, and the well-deserved feeling of strength!

Congratulations and keep up the good work and keep us posted. I went from an 18 to a size 6 using Miz Cathe after my 5th child. I honestly never thought I would ever see a normal size again.

Now I'm pregnant again and gainingx(, but anyway.....

Keep us informed of your progress and I agree with other posters that even though your pounds lost may be low, your body composition changes and that counts for a lot. The last time in my life I was a size 6, I weighed 8 lbs less, so I figure that's 8 lbs of muscle that replaced fat (or however that works:p )

You are inspiring!
Thank you guys so much!!! I am very encouraged. :)

I tried Rhythmic Step yesterday after work. Fun! So right now my favorites are Low Max, C&W, and Rhythmic Step.

Connie - I like your Yoda quote. :D And that's wonderful that you lost 80lbs!

Amy - I don't use a step, I just do the routines on the floor, so I'm sure Low Max is "easier" for me--Well, it's challenging for me, but easier than doing it with a step.

Speaking of steps, I looked up The Original Step and noticed that the weight capacity is 200lbs. Do I really have to lose 68 more pounds before I can get one? :-(

Maggie - Congratulations on your weight loss and your pregnancy. I can't imagine being a size 6. I'm sure you'll get back there after your...6th(!) child is born.

You guys are so great! Thank you!

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