<---- My Eyes Adored You

<--- is filling up on greens as prescribed by the Ground Hog
<--- is laughing about Guava spread
<--- has moments of impulsiveness at Grocery store often
<--- forgot tot mention funeral Catherine.... <--is so sorry.

<--- has a strange kitty sleeping in our garage
<--- of course put out a large bowl of food and the food is all gone this morning
<--- thinks another kitty wants to be rescued
<--- guess what color it is?
<--- likes to say guava - guava guava guava
<--- is also sorry to hear that Catherine has to attend a funeral
<--- wonders if the kitty in Judy's garage is BLACK?:p
<---was beaten to the guess of a black cat by Shelley
<---warns Judy to be careful - she is on her way to becoming the crazy cat lady
<---is NOW done wasting time and going to go workout
<---shall return
<--- is checking in late today
<--- waves hello to everyone
<--- doesn't know who or even what Judy's DD is, but <--- is sorry she is feeling sad
<--- is sorry Catherine had a funeral
<--- also doesn't know why Michelle needs to get rid of gas, but if the gas needs to <--- tells Michelle to let it go!!!
<--- wishes <--- little boy liked to vaccum, but <--- says he does like to dump cereal all over the floor
<--- has not exercised since Thurday <--- has no reason (well laziness) <--- hopes to get movtivated since <--- received KP&C today.
<--- hopes everyone is having a marvelous day
<--- wishes it would snow here!!

<--- explains to Kelli DD is <--'s Dear Daughter who has just graduated college and moved to Manhattan, NY

<--- yes the cat is mostly black with some pretty white areas of facial and belly and paw fur. It was just on my front step 2 minutes ago... Food has been put out.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


<--- is sending snow to Kelli
<--- tells her that DD is dear daughter (Judy's DD just moved to NYC!!)
<--- says that Kelli makes <--- laugh:p
<--waves at everyone this afternoon
<--was able to sleep, and sleep, and sleep and is now refreshed from working this last weekend
<--lots and lots of turmoil at work this last weekend!!!
<--all caused by 1 doctor on a rampage, blaming nurses for EVERYTHING and knows that as a result, there's going to be a nurse losing her job over it!!
<--knows it's not going to be <--, but still worries and creates further emotional turmoil in <--'s brain over it!!!
<--is frustrated with above situation as well, because there's NO protection/support from nursing supervisors/directors, either!!!
<--sends hugs to Judy and hopes that the new kitty is welcomed into the fold
<--sends hugs to Catherine for the funeral
<--would have sent hugs to Michele, but was too late, and is now a little askeered to send hugs for fear of releasing something......}(
<--thinks that C&C are the cutest ever!!!
<--sends hugs to Maeghan for her pulmonologist appt today!!!
<--oh, might as well give up and send hugs to everyone!!!
<--hopes NTF's cold is on the run!!!
<--wonders if Shelley is still enjoying her TM?
<--wonders what workout Her Highness of the Groundhog Day did????
<--thinks that LIC sounds good today for <--
<--is in the throes of PMS....chowed on pizza, cheese sticks, dark chocolate M&M's and frozen cookie dough last nightx( x( x( x( :9 :9 :9 :9
<--- is so happy she makes someone other than herself laugh
<--- thanks to all who are educating me on acroynms (sp) <--- needs spelling education too.
<--- tells Judy she really is sorry for her now, not that <--- wasn't before but now <--- knows why
<--- wants to know what BOING refers to <--- would also like to know why people add "bump" to some post
<--- ask Shelly if that is a watermelon on her cat's head, and <--- wonders if that is really her cat and if it is how in the world she got he or she to keep it on long enough for a picture
<--- tells Shelly thanks for sending snow, but <--- also says it would be a miracle if it actually did.
<--- tells Amy sorry for what she is dealing with

<--- wonders what the heck Beavs is boinging about?
<--- tells Kelli that a) it isn't her cat and b) it's a lime, which is why it's called Limecat:)
<--- wonders where Kelli lives if snow would be a miracle?
<--- hopes things settle down for Amy at work
<--- tells Amy <--- can't keep up with everyone either <--- has to write down everyone's name and what it is <--- should comment on.
<--- also says the real name and screen name poses a big challenge for <---
<--- says in High School instead of worrying about <--- inadquacy <--- should have been studing!!!!!!
<--- hahhahahahhahhahaha
<--- is laughing out loud b/c <--- is such a moron <--- now wonders how in the world <--- could have thought it was a watermelon.
<--- lives in Georgia, and even though there is a chance of sleet Thursday, <--- knows it will never happen
<--- says ya'll cannot even imagine how many time <--- has typed the words she, her, and I before going back to change them <--- knows she has probably missed a few!!!!!!
<---says oh good, another bad speller
<---tells Shelley you're welcome (it's true)
<---somehow missed that it's Wil's birthday and sends great big par-tee wishes to him
<---can't believe in this day and age of nursing shortages that a prima donna doctor can get one fired
<---sends a hug to Amy
<---tells Amy LIC was done here too
<--thanks everyone for the hugs
<--tells Robin that according to the hospital directors here "there is no nursing shortage"
<--thinks that they need to take the blinders off the rose-colored glasses and see the light
<--had a doc go to the CEO of the hospital a couple of weeks ago and get in his face about the shabby treatment the nurses are getting and the CEO responded, "I don't want to hear that white noise"!!!
<--nice to be appreciated, huh???
<---is amazed at Amy's administration
<---says here nurses are in such short supply that they are treated as well as possible
<---adds that they still have to work long hard hours though
<---thinks Kelli is crazy to want sleet instead of rain
<---has had light snow all day and the grass is almost covered
<---kinda likes it
<---says ok, will join in the fun
<---loves lurking on this thread
<---thanks Shelley for the invite
<---will share a few things about<---
<---is a professional editor, watch your spelling:)
<---loves working out and loves eating out, hence the first mention
<---loves, loves, loves wine, <--- knows a few others on this thread do too
<---lives in the lovely state of Iowa near Nebraska
<---probably will only post during "working" hours since <--- has dial-up at home because <--- lives in the country without any cable/dsl options

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