<---- My Eyes Adored You

<--YEY!!! Our own personal spell-checker!!!
<--it's about time!!!

<--yes, Robin, nursing retention is NOT a priority here for some reason!!
<--Oh, well, I could go to another hospital, but lose a minimum of $9/hr and being the sole paycheck, that's not an option at this time.
<--waves to all now that <--'m finally home
<--is so glad Michele's rooting went well
<--hopes Megsie's appointment goes well, also
<--is happy that newbies are still comin' 'round
<--had dentist appt. todayx(
<--says he accidentally cut out a little piece of <--tongue while working on my temp. crownx( x( x(
<--hates the dentist
<--is really cold here
<--is really hungry, too
<--hopes DH gets home soon
<--is lol at Robin and her Groundhog Activities...sounds fun!!
<--says at our hospital they're firing Doctors left and right!
<--says they are all accomplished surgeons;(
<--is glad DD got out when she did

ETA<--is askeered of the spelling police, too
<--thinks maybe Robin and <--could bribe her with some wine}(
<--waves to all
<--is happy to see another newbie too!
<--usually can spell, is just to lazy to fix typos
<--reports that the report from the pulmonologist is EXCELLENT
<--passed all tests with flying colors
<--should go to bed, but doesn't wanna
<--hopes things get better at AMy's work
<--wonders if she did any more thinking on that job thingy she was offered awhile ago?
<--is glad Elainee is done with work for the night
<--says Chase did ME with <--tonight, Connor bailed after the warm up
<--will give him credit though, says Connor was running back into the bedroom and Chase didn't see him coming and shut the door as Connor ran right into it!
<--saw Connor go flying backwards
<--is a horrible mother for trying not to laugh at the situation as <--was working biceps:p :7 :eek:
<--says he got up and ran to daddy anyway
<--tells you all that it really was funny! and he wasn't hurt, just stunned!
<--thinks you are all asleep, so goodnight

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

<--- says goodnight to everyone
<--- is a little worried b/c <--- left wrist hurt, no injury, and the right one hurt last week
<--- hopes everyone had a great day and for the ones that didn't <--- hopes tommorrow is better!

<---boings in at this ridiculous hour
<---thanks everyone for Wil's bday wishes
<---says cake and pizza were served for BREAKFAST
<---knows Tammy goes for that
<---waves to Catherine who is actually not "new" but new here:7
<---waves to Kelli and screams ANOTHER GEOOOOORGIA GIRL!!!!
<---needs to know where in GA
<---thanks everyone who posted in Wil's carepage last hurrah
<---says it will be up for a few more days
<---says Wil cried himself to sleep tonight because he did not want his happy birthday to end
<---snuggled and cried with him
<---just loves that kid
<---loves all <---'s kiddies
<---loves all youse guys' kiddies
<---is going to bed now
<---is lost, lost, lost here these days
<---informs Robin that GH day card was received
<---says <---'s boys LOL and are now requesting a GHD party
<---mutters thanks Robin
<---then blows g'nite kisshies:*
ETA <---for you "I am so sick of her photos" people's enjoyment <---added a new avatar and 3 bday pics to picturetrail
<---is most PMS and cannot sleep
<---knows you all needed that info
<---is now replying to <---at 1:45AM
<---has posted in several threads
<---will now go sleep for 4 hours (gosh, I hope) and start life anew but now anewed

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