My eating this week is HORRIBLE!!!!!


I have no idea what is going on! OMG I hate to admit it, but yesterday I had a sugar cone with chocolate brownie ice cream,(after lunch) a piece of chocolate eclair cake(after dinner) AND I sat right here at the pc late at night popping in (I'm not telling how many. I CAN'T, I lost count!!) bite sized snickers and peanutbutter cups!!!!;( :( x(
My workouts are good and I do them early in the day. But I have no idea what is going on with my diet!!!
Any suggestions to get it back on track??? It's been bad for a week or more. Every day I wake up and give myself a pep talk about eating better, healthier and LESS that day and by lunchtime, I'm on a downhill slide!
Ideas? Suggestions??
Do you have a friend that you can make a commitment with? My eating as been off track for a long time and my workouts were never the problem.But I never saw any difference in my apperance b/c of my eating.If anything, I was gaining weight:eek:
A friend called me actually.I didn't think she had gained weight but apparently she did.She was in the same situation that I was and she wanted to join forces and do something together.So thats what we are doing.She is super motivating and VERY strict.She won't let me get away with noth'in!I thought I was gonna find it difficult but now I am on day 4 and already down 2.5 lbs.Im drinking a ton of water,my meals,2 snacks (if needed) and we are going to have a treat on our weigh day, which is Mon.
I recommend getting a buddy.Like I said, I am only on day 4 and Im not saying that this is going to last forever but I am hoping that this clean eating will become a habit and not just a diet.
Big number one: You're eating it because it's THERE!! Perhaps you should consider not keeping that stuff in the house. Number two: Are you eating enough during the day so you're not starving at night? Just a couple of considerations.
Just Do It! :)
i am with you. my meals have been really good but my snacking is out of control. yesterday i ate two packages of those nutty butty bars. 370 cals. each package. then had a bowl of peanut butter cookie crisp. i am a bit emotional so that may be it. i wish i could give some advice except we just have to be strong and start a new day. also i read somewhere that maybe you are thirsty for water and that your body confuses that with hunger. just a though but lets both aim to drink alot more water and keep healthier thing around to eat. i am getting more baby carrots and apples and some yogurt tonight for snacking and getting rid of the chocolate junk. out of site out of mind. we can do it !!!

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
You're right...Many times thirst and hunger present themselves the same way...Try a glass of water and wait a half hour. If you're STILL hungry and need something sweet (it seems you want SUGAR!!), try an apple and peanut butter or something like that...

Are you taking a good multivitamin?? Many times cravings are trying to tell your body that you're missing something...

What ARE you eating the rest of the day? Since doing Cathe workouts (pumping it up a notch), I've been eating roughly 200-300 calories a day MORE...If you eat a bit more during the day, you won't be so crazy around the cupboards at night...

Good luck!

GREAT SUGGESTIONS HERE!!!! I'm going to use a few myself.

Are you stressing out about something? Maybe something that you don't think is bothering you, but once it comes up you reach for something "bad" to eat? That's what I need to watch very closely. I have trouble saying no to people so when I agree to do something more and didn't say no I grab the first bad thing I can find and eat it.

Good luck.

Becky-YOU ARE NOT ALONE and THNK YOU for fessing up! I am right there with you. I am so disgusted because my workouts ROCK and like you, I do my workout first thing in the early AM. I am fine with my food choices until mid afternoon. I am not dealing with any stress right now (thank goodness) and I'm not bored since I have tons of home projects that I work on all day long.

Yesterday, for example, (this is gross when I think about it), I ate 4 cookies & cream pop tarts. 4!!!!!! FOUR!!!!!!!!! WHY OH WHY??????

I read some of the suggestions above and will go back to read the rest, but I just had to post in here!


p.s. It's been all week too...not just yesterday.
Thank you Gayle !!! (well,.. are the poptarts really any worse than what I admitted to?? I don't think so!!;-) )
Okay I am a little stressed and also maybe bored. I need to find something to occupy my time!! You can only clean the house so much, and the kids are back to school....
But I HAVE been horrible about not drinking enough water lately , so I WILL make sure to drink more. I love water and it shouldn't be an effort on my part anyway!! Also, I will start taking a multivitamin.
You guys DO have good advice and I plan on taking it !
I think I might start writing down what I am eating too as a way of being accountable. When I see it in writing , it seems much more real ! (and horrifying!:eek: )
So thanks again, I'll post later today or tomorrow and tell you how the day went. I hope you will too Gayle and anyone else who's in the same boat!!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! You guys ROCK!!
Is it almost TTOM? Chocolate is a common craving at that time. My acupuncturist (who reads up on a lot of stuff) says that it's partly because the body is seeking copper, that mimics the effects of progesterone. Chocolate contains it. But pistachios do also.

I find that I sometimes start eating badly (like the last couple of days;( ) when the weather is about to get cooler. Like my body naturally wants to store some fat for the winter (but it's a bit too early for that, so that theory's out the window---and I have no excuse).

Tell you what: let's both vow to eat better today!

Some ideas to get back on track (you may know these already, but some things bear repeating):
Make sure yo eat a satisfying breakfast: oatmeal or even a nutritious smoothie (I find that on days I eat something other than my morning smoothie, which is packed with nutrients, protein, good carbs and healthy fat), I tend to eat more badly.

Figure out what craving your bad foods are filling (bad only because you are eating them in excess, not many foods are bad in themselves, though trans fats and high fructose corn syrup and two exceptions, IMO). Try to fill that craving with something healthy. (Again, a smoothie that contains some berries can be filing and also satisfy a sweet tooth).

Don't get down on yourself for this momentary lapse. If you've been following too strict a diet, it can cause you to binge on sugary foods. Give yourself one day (or even one meal) a week where you can indulge in your cravings, and keep it to that.

Pick up a good book on healthy eating and make it part of your bedtime reading, or pick it and read it before you go out to eat, or when you are home and about to turn to the double chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce! It's hard to eat badly when you are reading about healhty eating.

Get any trigger foods out of the house. I personally can't keep potato chips around (which I don't eat often anyway because of this), or I can easily eat a 1/2 bag at a time, or more! If it's not around, it's not a temptation.
>Okay I am a little stressed and also maybe bored. I need to
>find something to occupy my time!! You can only clean the
>house so much, and the kids are back to school....

Sounds like you need a hobby! Gardening? Photography (go for a long walk and take pictures)? Reading? How about picking up a cookbook with healthy treats in (preferably some that take a lot of prep time), and make some once a week. Then, your indulgences will be healthier, but won't be as immediately available.

Crocheting, knittiing or sewing are hobbies that you CAN'T do while eating!
For me the biggest thing is to have a clean enviroment .So I dont buy any junk . My hubby will buy tons of it though ,hes my worst enemy at times , If I start digging into his junk I sometimes will go as far as throwing it all out !!!Also if I slip up I remember it doesnt mean I gotta blow the whole day . I just get right back at it .It doesnt always work but I do try . My hardest time is TTOM !! a few days before to be exact . Also IF you dont eat the junk you really dont crave it !!! Just keep plugging away soon it will get easier !!! Think of Food a fuel !!! Get Trigger foods out of house !!
Do any of you have problems with the men in your lives sabotaging your diet? I have to admit that my will power lacks sometimes, but what makes it even worse is when Kel (my SO) wants wings (can you say fat?) or wants to go out to Red Lobster (ton of butter). If so, how do you cowgirl up and deal with it? Or am I just a puss?
My DH LOVES to go to Costco and get 6 packs of Pringles, bakery cookies, the 10 tube pack of Oreos, etc., etc., etc....

I've told myself that I can have one serving out of each box (not package!!). Keep in mind there are sometimes 4+ PACKAGES in each box!! It makes it that I don't go crazy and feel like I'm being deprived...

On the other hand, I've turned the mouse and meateater in him into a soy loving freak! I've been told I make the best burgers (meat) people have ever had, but he wants vegi burgers and soy milk...He's being converted to our side...Slowly, but surely!!

In good health,
hubby likes cream sauces but i opt not to have them if i choose not too. he likes butter but i don't eat anything he makes with butter. its not to hurt his feelings but i think he understands why i would much rather rub herbs on my chicken then simmer it with cream of mushroom soup. i might eat a few not so good items for dinner during the week to try to beat the craving but i really try to stick with herbs and spices to cut down on the calories and fat. the only time i can't control is when he buys sorbet its so full of sugar and high calories but i can't help myself. also at the buffets but luckly we have the ones who have a huge salad bar and items that are not cooked in butter or sauce.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey

I feel for you so I am going to make a couple suggestions since for quite some time I have been able to stay away from junk foods. As everyone else said..drink water...lots of it. Eat lots of fiber...stay away from white flour type foods. Steer clear of any sugary drinks...especially those with high fructose syrup. Make a yummy protein shake everyday. I personally love this one....1 cup low fat choc milk, 1 banana, 1 TB peanut butter, 2TB non fat yogurt, 2 tsp protein powder and 6 ice cubes. Delicious!! (It's 2 you have it for 2 days) I love this high fiber brownie (6 grams) I got from It's 2 points on weight watchers and really good when you want a treat. I personally have it most nights as my last snack with a cup of skim milk. Fruit is good too as a treat with a little cool whip if you need it. I believe in this one too...if you crave chocolate a lot...add more spinach in your diet...I read it somewhere before and it actually works...I have no idea why. I tend to only crave icecream now once in a while and I find if I have water or will usually satisfy it. Oh yeah, and Stevia Plus is good for adding in coffee or tea instead of sugar.

Hope that helps! Tina
Kim,yes my hubby is great at sabotaging my efforts .Sometimes I'm weak ,other times it makes me more determined !!! He loves me but we do have new issues now that I've lost and kept off 55 pounds/ firmed up too !! Yippee LOL Oh I even have muscles now !!! !! Ummmm x( darn hubby x( x( x(
Thank you Again!

I see the great advice keeps coming!
Actually I ALWAYS eat breakfast. Usually a smoothie (this morning it was 1/2 Uncle Sam , 1/2 raisin bran cereal), am having a post workout (50min fast paced walk, and PUB) smoothie now. (my recipe today: 1 cup soy milk, 2 T. powdered ff milk, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 t. splenda, 1 T. hersheys syrup, 1 T. instant coffee. WA-LA! Starbucks copycat frappacino!)
Lunch is usually a spinach salad with chicken breast, or a pb sandwich (nat.pb on whole grain wheat bread) & fruit.
Dinner is different all the time but sometimes salad, cereal, sandwich or small portions of meat (hardly ever beef), & veggie.
I think my diet as a whole is usually fairly decent, but WOW, am I out of control on the snacking and sweets right now!!!

To answer one of the questions IS TTOM right now! and Yes, that can trigger it for me sometimes but usually I'm not so out of control.
It could be just things all happening at once...TTOM, tragedy in NO, daughter got married 2 weeks ago and is expecting our first grandchild in Jan. My youngest just started HIGH SCHOOL! Lots of changes , which I am not good at !!!!!!
As far as hobbys....I LOVE to read, and bake and walk....just think it is a transition in my life and I am TRYING to adjust.:eek:
Thank you all for being there and letting me know I'm not alone!!
So far today diet is good but OMG my parents just invited us out to dinner tonight - and they won't take no for an answer. Problem is....they picked the place and it is a DINER!!!!! NOTHING healthy on the menu at all. They DO have salad, but it is iceburg lettuce and cheese, no choice of ff or lowfat dressings!!!
Other than that, it's burgers, taco salads, onion rings and fries, steaks, know.....DINER FOOD!!!!! What do I eat???
I have also been on a feeding frenzy this week! And, even worse, I haven't been sleeping well, so my workouts have suffered as well.;( I could blame PMS, but I don't think that's the real culprit. Not sure what is, exactly, but I know I need to stop it before it gets too much worse!

I had my TTOM feeding frenzy last Friday and Saturday and it wasn't pretty. I track my calories on fitday and I am too embarrassed to say what my calorie count was on those days. It was about two to three times what it should be. I felt like a waldrus, I could barely move. Not sure how to get a handle on this but I'm going to try treating myself to a Dove chocolate bar this month if I can keep from indulging in my cravings. I don't keep junk in the house but I binge on PB sandwiches, cereal - Kashi, and my DH's tortilla chips - he didn't get any last weekend!! Hopefully my plan will work this month.
Hi everyone,

Becky good lord I am right there with you! I need to take the advice of all of these ladies myself. I have literally eaten alot of junk for weeks. I had a rice krispy treat this morning, a moon pie for lunch and a few grapes so far. This is how I have been eating for weeks. And alot of fast food! I've always been a healthy eater, but as my friend said, I am eating to comfort me.

Do you still exercise regularly? I haven't for weeks! I say I am taking a break, but I am fooling myself. I have no desire to do it! that is totally unlike me! I guess I need to follow the advice of these ladies.

Just thought I would jump in here and share this with you!


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