My eating this week is HORRIBLE!!!!!

That happens to me sometimes too, Becky. But the bad eating usually goes away as suddenly as it comes. I always think it will last forever, then it ends and I don't know why. Probably a mood thing. In the end, if I'm honest with myself, I never really do that much damage and it's all temporary.

So, don't worry too much. Worry will just make it worse.

Nancy, I agree. It is a temporary thing. After eating the kitchen for two days, as soon as I started, the impulse to eat went away, I even had to force myself to eat. Crazy I tell you!! I am almost back to normal, not quite but I just hate taking a week to play catch up after a feeding frenzy.
Yeah Becky, I think your daughter getting married, becoming a grandma and the other starting high school on top of ttom might do itt!!;-) I just read the other thread....maybe we need to start a mid-life check-in!!!;) Marnie

GREAT IDEA!!!:D I'm game!

My eating was much better yesterday.
Breakfast: cereal (1/2 uncle sam, 1/2 raisin bran)
protein smoothie (after workout and my sort of lunch since we were going out to dinner at a Diner and I knew I wouldn't have much in the way of healthy choices)
a banana w/ peanutbutter (to tide me over till dinner)
Dinner: a grilled pork tenderloin sandwich with mustard only
onion rings (they came with it!! but I only ate 4)
cole slaw
and water!!!

So far today it's cereal for breakfast
and am going to make an after workout smoothie now.
How did everyone else do yesterday????
HI Becky,
I had a really good day again yesterday.I just went to the grocery store and you know,I only just realized that I walked past the candy isle and I didnt' stop! I bypassed everything that I love and it didn't even dawn on me where I was.
Today is day 5 for me and I am very proud of myself.There aren't to many situations where I toot my own horn but when it comes to controlling what goes in my mouth....Im a toot'in!
Keep up the good work!
If you are an avid exerciser, that isn't enough to eat (regardless of whether you went out to dinner or not)...Maybe THAT's part of the problem?? Can't always blame things on TTOM!!

MJ in MN
Why would you keep the stuff in the house thats going to tempt ya?
Why go into places that has snacks that are gonna tempt ya?

I really do not eat like that often and junk food rarely tempts me. I was completely out of control there for a week or so and it happens like that from time to time.(I'd love to get to the bottom of WHY?!?!) I do have kids and a husband who do like cakes and cookies, ice cream and chips on a more regular basis.......though I do try to steer them away from eating like that daily. But that's why it's in the house to begin with.
I seem to be pretty much on track.....although we went to a big cookout last night with NO options for healthier choices.....the menu was bratts, metts, hotdogs, baked beans, potato chips, caramel apple pie and a cake with bittersweet chocolate and mint. ugh!!
Today I will eat lighter to try to make up for eating foods I normally wouldn't have in my diet.
My workouts are I did Stepworks and am doing "houseworkmax" as well.

And today's eating is much better so far. Water (before, during & after working out) and oatmeal for breakfast.
Well let's see....

my DD birthday was this week and she wanted a Turtle Pie (chocolate, pecans, caramel and whipped topping, etc.) so half of it is still in the frig. I have to look at it everytime I open up the frig. It is KILLING me, but I have already read the back of the package which read 22g of fat per slice. Do I really want it now? Well maybe just a teaspoon full (LOL), BUT THAT IS ALL!!! Hubby ate a piece last night and said it was waaayyyy too sweet for him so he ate no more. Very proud of him! He has lost 5 pounds so far!
I open up my cupboards to find my DD jalapeno pringles and other sins in there. DH took the last one of my yogurts to work with him. I gave it to him. Looks like I will be eating cottage cheese instead. I am just going to say, "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO" all day to what is in the frig and in the cupboards. If no one claims the pie by tomorrow, it is going in the trash. For me, it will be turkey hotdogs, the cottage cheese, chicken, pbj sandwich on lite wheat and my oatmeal. Of course, more chicken for dinner too.


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