My Dr's visit


Some of you know that we have been trying for a while to have a baby with no success and knowing that DH was only 1/2 there..(if you get what I am saying):) so we knew it would take a while BUT it wasn't impossible.
For four years we have been trying.Not stressing about it, some monthes I would count my days,some monthes not.So we weren't stressed about it at all.But it is just getting to the point now where DD is almost 10 and if it soon doesn't happen, I won't bother having anymore.
So I go see my Doc today and he thinks that it is a good idea for me to see a specialist about our problem.Just to make sure that all my female organs are working fine and that nothing is blocked.I also then mention to him about my exercising and he asked what I do for exercise and how long.So I tell him:eek: x( x( He thinks that I should cut back my exercise to 3-4 days a week, which I guess is the minimum requirements to stay healthy.
So regarding Lauramax's post on what do people do who don't workout....I'll let you know!;( :)
He doesn't think that this is the cause of anything b/c my BF% is good and my periods are regular.He just thinks that I should let my body rest 3 days a week while I am trying. what am I going to do? I don't want to lose any of my muscle or my endurance for the matter.I certainly don't want to gain any weight b/c I like where I am.Sure, if I get pregnant none of this will matter b/c I won't be working out as often anyway.But what about if I don't get prenant?
I just didn't know if anyone had any rotation advice.My plan was to start working one body part a day but I don't see that being possible b/c I have more then 3-4 body parts! LOL
Just wanted to see if any of you fine young ladies had any advice for this chick.
Well first off I wish much luck on this endeavor! I know it can be frustrating. As far as working out is concerned, you could do Monday: chest/shoulders with cardio. Wednesday: Biceps/triceps with cardio and Friday: legs and back. Saturday: all cardio. I don't know how much time you have to workout however... Just an idea!:) Susan
On the exercise front...would you be willing to do total body endurance for 3 days of the week? Say Monday, Wednesday and Friday? Then add a smidge of cardio...just a thought...


On the "trying" front...I have read several times that it increases conception odds if the woman has an orgasm during sex. I guess it causes the muscles to contract and actually skootches the sperm up where it needs to be. I always topped that off by hoisting my hips up on a pillow for 15 minutes. Also, have you tried the ovulation tests?? You take it like a pregnancy test and it tell you when you are actually ovulating.

Hearing me say all can imagine the romance that went into the conception of my children!! :D My bathroom looked like a chemistry lab!!!
<<Hearing me say all can imagine the romance that went into the conception of my children!! :D My bathroom looked like a chemistry lab!!!>>

Oh, I am with ya. I probably should not share this, but I... ummmm... had a microscope from the clinic that I used to observe for optimal cervical mucus. My cousin referred to me as the mad scientist... she could just picture my shadow behind a sheet as a carried out my expriments. My DH must REALLY love me! ;)
Lori, did you buy the Toni Weschler book? ("Taking Charge of Your Fertility") This has loads of awesome information that can make things easier for you and help you know what to expect when you see your specialist.

Good luck!

PS: LOL at Sarah's comments about the sperm getting "skooched" up. Hehehehe.
Good luck with everything. I recently read an article re: exercise and conception...and how too much exercise can hamper the process.

Maybe letting your body "be" more will allow some of those natural things to flow more easily. I'm all about balance and trust -- the healing energies.

Just listen to your body and be gentle. Maybe do some gentle yoga to keep the muscles warm and toned, and for cardio workouts take down the intensity a few notches. ; )
Hey Lori, good luck with your journey.

As far as the "trying" goes, I have no advice. :) Sorry

As far as the rotation goes, try doing what Sarah suggested and go for a total body workout instead of one body part. Squeeze some cardio and yoga in, maybe that will help to eliviate the feeling of not doing anything.

Good Luck Lori! :7
Hi Lori,

DH and I are going to be trying also. I came upon a really cool website....

Some people are saying that I am obsessed and I should just let things happen naturally, but hey, I see no problem with being proactive :)

Best of luck to you. I will be rootin for ya!!!! ( and your DH's swimmers!!!!!!)

It might help too if DH wears loose fitting jeans/pants. Something I have been told helps. Dunno, I was the fertility queen in my day so I didn't need to have scientific experiments to make it work...just kinda happened. LOL

My friend also mentioned that she heard, that when you exercise the body temperature rises so that may have some effect on getting pregnant.Prehaps I am frying all that sperm up with my hot bod! LOL:)
I can see that I am going to have to invest in some yoga workouts!
Come on now charlotte...did you think I would marry a man who wears tight jeans?;) :) You should know me better then cowboys in this house.
He also wears lose fitting boxers so I don't think that is the problem.I guess time will tell!
Gosh, I wish I could get my hubby to wear his alittle tighter, why not? He ain't no cowboy, but he has got one sexy butt! BTW, he use to wear cowboy boots, never a hat though. LOL! Well looks like you won't have to worry then.

hahahaha! DH is so small that if he were to wear tight jeans, he would be laughed at to no end! His legs are smaller then mine, and his bum probably is to! I like the way his bum looks in the jeans he wears now. keep talking about this hunk of burn'in love you have...i wanna see!

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