My dog exploded (the joys of being a pet owner)


I'm trying to get over a mild head cold that is driving me crazy more than making me feel bad, so I took some cold medicine last night about 8:30 and about 9 settled in for what was supposed to be a good, long snooze. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ........deep into dreamland, when a SMELL invades my dream. I am NOT happy as my dream is heading in the direction of the book I am reading, and becoming a very good one. Smells like doggy gas. I half wake up, reach down, feel that Vlad is still in his bed, give him a pat and try to go back to sleep. But the SMELL will not go away. WTH??? Crap, I need to get up. Yup, crap!!!! My dogger exploded all over the floor. Wake up husband, wake up!!!!! DH is not too happy with this situation either. Nothing like trying to clean runny dog poo out of the carpet at midnight. All cleaned up, but still SMELLY. Tried to go back to sleep, but I can't because I keep listening for Vlad to go back to sleep. I finally fall back to sleep about 1:30, then at 2 I hear the dog moan, get up, put him out, and he explodes again!!! (At least it was outside) bring him back in (too cold for him to stay out) Settle back and try to go to back to sleep. I get grumpy when my snooze is interrupted, too. Toss and turn and toss and turn. Finally get to snoozing, then I wake up soaked in sweat - probably due to my cold, kick of the blankets, then end up freezing. Lather rinse repeat with that a few times. Then Vlad grumbles again, off we go outside (about 4 am at this point) and he explodes again!!! Poor dogger. Back to bed, toss and turn until its time to get up for work at 6:15.

All I wanted was a good snooze!!!! I don't know what is wrong w/ Vlad. The only other time this happened was when he was a puppy and we fed him eggs - not a good thing!!! He didn't eat anything except his food and a couple baby carrots yesterday, which he eats all the time. Unless he got into something I'm not aware of. I took DS to Kindercare this morning, and was going to go to work, then I thought I should stay home w/ Vlad in case he's not done, so he doesn't make a mess all over the house. He is acting ok, bouncing and looking at the cookie drawer, but he was like that in the middle of the night last night, too. He drank a bunch of water this morning, but hasn't eaten his breakfast yet. I'm hoping he just ate something that didn't agree w/ him.

This has happened to my dogs a few times. I used to try to ride it out unless there were really obvious signs of trouble, but I now just take them to the vet, who can give them an anti-diarrheal which REALLY HELPS, and he can also determine if the condition is more serious than it seems. In less than an hour, my mind is at ease and the "exploding" stops.

But I totally commiserate. I have spent many a night sleeping only fitfully and periodically waking up to clean up poo. Not my favorite thing, but a small price to pay for the companionship of a dog.
Oh, Nan! :eek: I feel your pain. We too have experienced the joys of projectile/explosive canine diarrhea (this is one reason why we're ripping out all of our carpeting and replacing it with a hard surface).

One time, we got a bad bag of dog food and my old Boston Terrier, Chelsea, had a projectile episode straight into a basket of clean laundry. :eek::confused:

I hope you and Vlad feel better. It definitely sounds like something he ate didn't set well. Good luck!!
He seems to be feeling better. We went for morning walkies and he talked to the kids walking to school, and bounced along the whole way. Wanted to play ball when I read the paper, as usual. Stood in front of the cookie drawer and looked at me like I was nuts when I told him "no cookies" He hasn't eaten breakfast yet, but that is not unusual. We feed him twice a day, breakfast and dinner. Sometimes he eats right when we feed him, and sometimes he doesn't so that doesn't concern me. Right now he's upstairs lying in a sunny spot, and I should be doing 4DS bootcamp instead of playing around on here.

I'm glad I decided to stay home with him, though. Heck, nothing like a day off. And I could've sworn today was 02/02 not 02/01. There is no school on 02/02 so I dropped DS off at kindercare today w/out his backpack and without a lunch, because they feed him. When I got back home, something told me to look again at the calendar. Oh, Crap!!!! There is school today, it is the 1st!!!! So I had to pack him a lunch and hustle his backpack and lunch to school. I would've been mighty ticked if I would have been 30 miles away at work and realized my screw up. I guess I just thought today was no school b/c there was no school on Fri. Makes more sense to have no school Fri/Mon than Fri/Tues, no?

Its gonna be a good week!!!

Nan...there's just nothing to start off the week like an exploding Vlad. ;) I think we ALL feel your pain! I have always had small dogs that didn't really have "exploding" issues, but my friend, Kara, frequently comes home to find that her cocker spaniel has exploded somewhere in the house.

When Willoughby was about a year old, I woke up to discover he'd wet the bed in his sleep. Did I mention his bed is my bed? I had to haul every piece of bedding, including my down comforter and duvet, to the laundrymat at 5:00 a.m.

We are all sympathizing with you this morning. And are anxiously awaiting more Vlad news (exploding or not exploding).

Have the best day! Feel better!

:) Jonezie
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PS...Have you ever used Nature's Miracle?!? It is, in fact, a miracle. It will take out ANYTHING, including the smell.


Sorry, but it just cracked me up reading your illustration of the night! I know it's horribly disruptive to our beauty sleep and rest, but I just couldn't stop laughing! You'd make a great author or comedianne!

I have 2 beagles and have always had dogs, so I can relate! My problem is when my little girl decides to do that, she does it on MY bed! That's where they sleep, with us. She never makes it down. So, whether she's exploding from one end or the other, it's always that both my DH and I have to get up so we can strip the bed, remake it, take both dogs out, bring everyone back up and try to get a little bit of sleep!

Next morning, it's dropping off the comforter at the cleaners as my washer is nowhere near big enough and throwing everything else in the wash!

Sigh. . . nothing like total unconditional love, is there?
Poor pup! I can relate. I have on occasion exploded myself.:eek: Did I mention I used to work with the public and take public transit to and from work? Yeah, nothing like being exposed to international traffic 5-6 days a week.

I hope your doggy feels better soon. I wonder if his flora/fauna is off like he needs some prodiotics? Idk. I never had a dog.

I too, feel your pain, and your descriptions just cracked me up!
Having said that, put a tablespoon or 2 of pumpkin in your doggie's food and it will straighten his tummy right up.

I have also used Immodium with great success, but canned pumpkin ( not pie filling!!) is fantastic at straightening out "explosions" as well as constipation.

Our labrador, Sherman is a garbage can, and there is an occasional time when he eats something that doesn't agree with him. I keep a can on hand just for that reason!

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