I'm trying to get over a mild head cold that is driving me crazy more than making me feel bad, so I took some cold medicine last night about 8:30 and about 9 settled in for what was supposed to be a good, long snooze. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ........deep into dreamland, when a SMELL invades my dream. I am NOT happy as my dream is heading in the direction of the book I am reading, and becoming a very good one. Smells like doggy gas. I half wake up, reach down, feel that Vlad is still in his bed, give him a pat and try to go back to sleep. But the SMELL will not go away. WTH??? Crap, I need to get up. Yup, crap!!!! My dogger exploded all over the floor. Wake up husband, wake up!!!!! DH is not too happy with this situation either. Nothing like trying to clean runny dog poo out of the carpet at midnight. All cleaned up, but still SMELLY. Tried to go back to sleep, but I can't because I keep listening for Vlad to go back to sleep. I finally fall back to sleep about 1:30, then at 2 I hear the dog moan, get up, put him out, and he explodes again!!! (At least it was outside) bring him back in (too cold for him to stay out) Settle back and try to go to back to sleep. I get grumpy when my snooze is interrupted, too. Toss and turn and toss and turn. Finally get to snoozing, then I wake up soaked in sweat - probably due to my cold, kick of the blankets, then end up freezing. Lather rinse repeat with that a few times. Then Vlad grumbles again, off we go outside (about 4 am at this point) and he explodes again!!! Poor dogger. Back to bed, toss and turn until its time to get up for work at 6:15.
All I wanted was a good snooze!!!! I don't know what is wrong w/ Vlad. The only other time this happened was when he was a puppy and we fed him eggs - not a good thing!!! He didn't eat anything except his food and a couple baby carrots yesterday, which he eats all the time. Unless he got into something I'm not aware of. I took DS to Kindercare this morning, and was going to go to work, then I thought I should stay home w/ Vlad in case he's not done, so he doesn't make a mess all over the house. He is acting ok, bouncing and looking at the cookie drawer, but he was like that in the middle of the night last night, too. He drank a bunch of water this morning, but hasn't eaten his breakfast yet. I'm hoping he just ate something that didn't agree w/ him.
All I wanted was a good snooze!!!! I don't know what is wrong w/ Vlad. The only other time this happened was when he was a puppy and we fed him eggs - not a good thing!!! He didn't eat anything except his food and a couple baby carrots yesterday, which he eats all the time. Unless he got into something I'm not aware of. I took DS to Kindercare this morning, and was going to go to work, then I thought I should stay home w/ Vlad in case he's not done, so he doesn't make a mess all over the house. He is acting ok, bouncing and looking at the cookie drawer, but he was like that in the middle of the night last night, too. He drank a bunch of water this morning, but hasn't eaten his breakfast yet. I'm hoping he just ate something that didn't agree w/ him.