RE: My daughter kicked out of daycare today!! Please h...
Wow, that stinks!!! But don't feel bad! I think it is mainly an issue of your day care provider. I don't know many 2 1/2 year olds who share. I believe it is the job of a day care provider to deal with those kinds of issues and give it some time, especially during adjustment periods.
I think if things were so bad she should have notified you. I.e. if your DD had bitten another child or acted aggressively, I would expect that she'd call you or tell you when you pick your daughter up and maybe say, this is what happened, if it happens again and we can't get this under control, you maybe better off with a different day care provider.
When my kids went to a private day care provider, there was one child who kept being aggressive to the other kids (and believe me, that kid was he!! on wheels), she tried to work with it for weeks, the parents were cooperative, the babysitter informed us/the other parents about the challenge, kept us in the loop. Eventually the day care provider said that in the interest of the other children she cannot continue, she gave them 2 weeks to find another provider. I think that's fair, it's reasonable and that's what I would expect from a qualified day care provider.
I don't think there is ANY reason that would justify for the babysitter/DC provider to bail so fast and WITHOUT prior notice.
I think you may have just had a not so qualified and not so professional DC provider. As Kelly said, it may be a blessing in disguise. I always think things happen for a reason. I know it is stressful but it may give you a chance to find a much better place for your DD.
Good luck!!!