My Cats Love it When I Sing


Two of my cats just love it when I sing. Right now I'm singing the theme song from Memoirs of a Geisha, and the one cat sprang up from her nap and rushed over to me and started loving on me. The other cat loves it when I sing an old 80's rock ballad called "Love is On The Way" by Saigon Kick. She'll come up and start rubbing all over my legs and just look up at me with the most adoring eyes.

Aren't cats funny? :7 My babies make me smile all the time!
Hi!! My cats love country music!! I hate it but my husband loves it and when he plays it they seem so relaxed!! I do have to say they hate Mariah Carey-they always leave the room when she is on!!

My birds love when I sing to them and its great cause I dont sing well but to them Im a great singer!!

Have a good night-cute thread thank you!!

Cats are the best!! I just recently got a 2nd one, 7 months old and he is cracking me up. when I first brought him home he thought there was a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cat in each bedroom b/c I have mirror closet doors. He would see himself, hiss and growl, then run up to the mirror, smack the mirror w/ his paw, then take off running as fast as he could b/c he thought the "other kitty" would come after him b/c he just him it w/ his paw. He has since figured it out and now isn't doing it but let me tell you I got lots of laughs from it.

He is such a baby though and wants held all the time, Storm my other cat would rather bite me than give me love so it's nice to have my "love bug"-his nickname, now. Sport & Storm are just now starting to get along and I couldn't be happier! I've only had Sport for almost 2 weeks and I amazed that they're already starting to like one another.
no one likes my singing. my cats just look at me like i am nuts. alice- the 19 year old does like to watch tv. she loves animal planet.

I IMAGINE that my cats like it when I sing to them, LOL!

I often make up songs just for them. Bobsie's 'theme song" is "Hey Bobs-a-ree-bobs....(cha, cha)...whatcha gonna see Bobs...(cha, cha)...Hey Bobs-a-ree-bobs, a bobbity-bee...hey Bobs-a-ree-bobs a bobbity-boo."

I'll spare you the other cats' tunes, LOL!
That is so neat. I haven't tried singing to her but my kitty Nyssa loves it when I laugh. As soon as I start laughing she comes running from wherever she happens to be at the time and purrs all over me - trying to get as close to my face as possible. This makes me laugh harder and makes her go crazy. It is so funny!:7

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