My cancer ruined my 2 years of hard work

Dear Cathe

I don't know if you remember me. I was doing so good getting in shape and doing an awesome job at weight training with you, but I injured my r shoulder and had to do surgery on it and became diagnosed with the ovrian cancer back in Feb. and will get my last chemo in June. My body is looking very gross to me. I lost my hair, energy and the muscle tone I work so hard to get. I've gained back over 10 pounds after the complete hysterectomy, R shoulder arthroscopy, placement of port fusion and 5 chemos every 3 weeks since Feb. took a toll on my body. I need your encouragement and support, Cathe. I don't feel good about myself these days. Please help me.
Na Anderson
I know i'm not Cathe, but i just wanted to say that my thoughts are prayers are with you. I hope soon, once chemo ends you'll be looking and feeling alot better about yourself. You can get back into fitness and life will feel much better i'm sure. Thinking of you.

W x

ps - when i looked at this post i saw that 13 people have seen this thread. That makes me very sad that 13 people could have contributed and said some kind words but didn't. What a sad day.
I'm not Cathe either (obviously!), but I just wanted to say that although I couldn't even begin to imagine what you must have gone through to get to this stage, the very fact that you are at this stage means that you have determination and courage.

At the start of this year, I was severely overweight and I felt so ugly and unhappy with myself - I knew I had a long task ahead of me to improve my fitness and appearance, but my sheer determination to do something was my driving force. Now I am 30lbs lighter and so much stronger and healthier than I was, and that is simply from working out exclusively with Cathe's tapes. I am still not at my target weight, but I am so determined to get there.

Every little bit helps, every day of doing some form of exercise counts. That's what keeps me going.

Hi, not Cathe either but I wanted to let you know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You have been through SO much physically and emotionally. I agree with Wayne- give yourself time and you will once again regain your strength and energy. Maybe start out with walking a bit each day when you feel up to it and go from there. Please take care and keep us posted.

I just wanted to say that I wish you the very best and to tell you how proud I am of you for all you have managed to do just getting to this point.
I watched my little girl undergo chemotherapy (and radiotherapy) for brain cancer and it was horrible.
She has been 14 months off treatment and she has gone from strength to strength. The difference is like night and day.
There will be time to re-build what you have lost.. your body has been through the fight of it's life and considering you are still in treatment you still have a ways to go.
I can't advise you on what to do to regain your fitness or your health as only you can judge that, but you will need plenty of time to recover. Probably more than you know right now.
So be patient and kind to yourself.. remember you are a strong woman and a surviver. If you can do this.. you can do anything.

My prayers are with you too. I know I will feel the same feelings that you feel as well if I'm in your shoes. Try to see all that's happened to you as a "bend in the road". You will get stronger and fit again. You will regain the muscles you've lost. You are a fighter! Chin up!

Lots of love,
Hi! Cogratulations that you are almost done with your chemos! Yayy!!! Sounds like they hit you pretty hard :-( I know you'll feel better when they are over...

Just wanted to give you some encouragement: My mom was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer last year at the age of 57. She also had a complete hysterectomy and went through 6 sessions of chemo, once every three weeks. She lost all her hair, also.

Mother's Day was a year post surgery, and she is back at everything, full swing. Her hair is super short, but it grew back in thicker and with a bit of curl, and she is going to keep it super short. It looks so cute--so, you have that to look forward to!

Although the situations are different, in that the chemo didn't hit my mom too hard, I wanted to suggest that you try yoga. It has done wonders for my mom--she feels so peaceful and content, and she looks and feels so fit since discovering yoga about 10 months ago.

Cancer is crappy, but don't let yourself think that it has really ruined your years of work! You will be surprised at how quickly you might be able to bounce back. You already know so many things from having worked out so long, that you will be able to get back into things more quickly than when you were a true beginner. Ease back into things, and don't worry that your workouts aren't as intense as they were before--even beginner workouts will help your body.

Good luck to you! You are on the road to a full recovery :)
Na~I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers also as you ease back into exercise. I'm sure it will take you awhile to get your strength back but if the doctor has okayed it, I think the new DVD's (Beginner/Intermediate) Cathe just produced would be perfect for getting you back in the swing, modifying even more if needed. Good for you for wanting to regain what you had. Like the others said, you might just surprise yourself how quickly it will return. Keep us posted and most of all WELCOME BACK! Hugs 2 U!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm another person who isn't Cathe, but I just wanted to echo what the others have said, and say that I was struck by how much your body has been through in the last few months. Chemotherapy is so hard on the body, and if you think about it, your body was really battling 2 things - cancer and chemo. So, its had a hell of a time. This part of the journey is almost over, though, and you (and your body) have made it! Even though there will be disappointment because your fitness goals have been interrupted, I hope for you that as you start back in pursuit of your goals, you'll experience how good it feels not to be sick anymore, and to have the freedom to move your body and start to tackle fitness again. And when you're feeling particularly bad about your body, just remember all the trauma its been subjected to. Its really done some amazing things!

I'm so glad you'll be around, still participating and trying to reach your goals, like the rest of us. Keep us posted!
Or we could say thank God you were in decent shape when you discovered you had cancer. And you can get there again in time.

I think it's important to "love where you are" right now. So look at that body that you don't like in the mirror and tell it that you're glad to be here and you're going to gently coddle it until it's ready to work. It sounds like your brain and your body need to get connected again. I would think a short Pilates, yoga, or maybe Cathe's new beginner tapes is a good place to start.

Best wishes and keep us posted, Alexis
Hi there,

I don't post here too often, but your post touched my heart! Ditto on everything everyone else already said. Look at all you've overcome in the last several months, my goodness! Your body is NOT gross, it is a healing in progress and you must be very strong to have come this far! I hope you can feel good about that. I wish you all the best, and hope you're feeling much better soon!

Hugs :) to you !!
I think it is absolutely incredible, after all you've been through, that you are already thinking about getting your body back in shape! You're amazing! A lot of people would have used these things as excuses not to ever get back into working out. You're strong. I can tell that already. You'll make it. It won't happen all at once, and it's a total bummer that you have to start all over from the beginning, but you'll do it. I know you will.

I am not Cathe either but I do want to wish you the best. It is so inspiring to me that you are already trying to come up with a plan to get back into shape. Cathe did just release some beginner workouts that may be a good place to start. You have been through a lot so do take it slow and let us know how you are doing.

Ditto to what everyone else has said. My thoughts and Prayers are with you. Just take things one day at a time. Chemotherapy unfortunately has an effect on all the cells of your body not just the cancerous ones and therefore causes fatigue along with generally not feeling well, lack of appetite etc....
Give yourself time to build your strength back up with some good nutrition and start off slowly. It will take some time to recover after your last Chemotherapy Treatment. As someone else said - the fact that you have the determination to get back into shape will carry you a long way. I am sure your determination is one of the things that has helped you get through your treatment as well.

Cancer did not ruin your hard work. Your past hard work has probably helped you fight the illness so much stronger than if you had not exercised at all. When you are able to work out again, it will be so much easier to get back in the swing of things. Just think of how proud of yourself you will be when you are back working out with Cathe on a regular basis, after all the physical, emotional, mental (and probably financial) strains that are/were weighing on you due to the illness and shoulder issues. Take care of yourself, and concentrate on healing your body now and being gentle with it. You are a beautiful person on the inside, no matter what is going on, on the outside. Also, everyone has their fluctuations in fitness and health, you are not alone. Take one day at a time. You'll get back to where you want to be.
Kathy Weller
Na, my prayers are with you, too. I can't relate to what you're going through, but I can say that I admire you for getting through it at all and still wanting to regain your strength and fitness. Please don't lose have done everything you could do to fight the cancer and heal from it. That is a great accomplishment!

Just to let you know I'm praying for you. Think in your family If you feel sad they are going to be worse than you.
Hello Na :) Obviously I'm not Cathe either, but after I read your post I felt I had to say something. You've been through a lot and honestly I don't think most people would've handled that. I hope you get your last chemo over with so you can start exercising again. I can't relate to your cancer situation directly, but I've been injured before (I even had surgery) and was told not to workout. It can be really depressing. But when I was in bed I took that time to rest. As soon as I got my doctor's thumbs up I started doing low impact cardio and I added weights and pilates slowly. Doing yoga also helped me a lot when I was recovering. Then as I felt stronger I started with Cathe cardio again.

Don't feel bad about yourself, just remember June is almost here. **hugs**
Hello. Just wanted to let you know that I will keep you in my prayers. Just like what the others said, once you are feeling up to it and can start exercising again, you're body will bounce back. But please take it slowly, one day at a time.

My best friend (who is only 32)just finished her chemo. She has breast cancer - had her mastecomy a few weeks ago and will be starting her radiation soon. So knowing what you are going through, I just want to say that I am so proud of you for beating this. It's a tough fight but you are strong and you did it.

God bless you!

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