My Body Pump Assessment Video


Hi Cathe,
I sent my Body Pump assessment video in about 4 weeks ago and I am happy to report that I received my Body Pump Certificate in the mail Saturday! Yeaaaaa!

Our members are enjoying Body Pump -- our classes have been full. I'm sure we'll be adding more classes in January.

I've been reading your pregnancy updates. It won't be long before you have that precious little baby boy in your arms! Boys are just wonderful!

This past Saturday night was our gym's Christmas party. My husband was unable to go because he had to go to work very early Sunday morning, so my 16-year-old son came with me. He was such a gentleman! Cathe, I know you have heard this before, but boys just looooooove their mothers!

Happy Holidays!

Way to go Linda. I was hoping to hear that news from you. You are(will become even more so)an excellent Body Pump instructor because you are very conscientious. Best of luck to you and the success of your gym's Body Pump program.

Thanks for sharing your mom and son story. I am getting very, very, excited!!!!!!

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