Well today is the big day. My 17yr old DD is going to prom for the first time and I think I'm more nervous than she is! I don't know the boy she is going with very well...only met him a few times.... but he seems very nice. They are just "friends" and I trust my DD with her choices but they are going with a group of kids that she doesn't hang out with and I don't know. One of the girls said everyone is sleeping over in tents at her house after the dance but I said NO! It would be different if I knew the kids and parents but I don't.
What do you guys think? Am I being over protective? She really didn't care that I said "no" so maybe she wasn't interested anyway.
Cute story: When the boy asked DD to prom he did it over the phone. She was a little disappointed that he didn't make it more meaningful so last weekend he called us for permission to decorate her car. He called when he was done and we sent her out with a story that the neighbor called and said her dome light was on. So out she goes in her slippers & sweats and here he is with a dozen roses in the color of her dress and her entire car covered in post-it notes with PROM? written on them. WOW it was really sweet.
Anyway, thanks for listening...I just wanted to share
No, you're not being overprotective at all. Like you said, it would be different if you knew the kids and the parents, but since you don't I think you're making the right call. Plus, you said your daughter didn't seem upset when you said no so it sounds like it's a win-win situation.
I LOVE the story about your DD's car! That is the sweetest thing ever. But like the previous poster said, are you sure their just friends?
Take lots of pictures and post one of your DD in her dress!
My 17 yr old DD also had prom earlier this month and she had a grand time.
I for one would not allow my dd to sleep over in a home in which I don't know the family or who is sleeping over period. There is nothing wrong with being a strict protective parent
Well I wouldn't let mine spend the night either. My prom night a bunch of us went down to Greek town and had dinner and my boyfriend and I went to the dance and came back to my house watched a movie and had a pizza (my parents were so relieved). Now I always made pretty good choices as a kid and I do hope mine will too. I personally do not believe in peer pressure I think you are either weak or strong and I hung around all types of people in school and no one ever botherd me if I didn't drink or do drugs or anything like that. I can have fun without all of that crap.
So I will say a little prayer for their safety and that they have a great time.
So how do you plan on spending the evening (chewing your nails off, pacing in front of the driveway window or the driveway itself. I would not be able to do anything until they arrived home safe and sound.
Keep us posted.
"You didn't pause your dvd and go make popcorn did ya"
-Cathe Friedrich
Thanks for your kind words and support!! We just got back from the "Grand March" where they present all the couples as they walk on stage. It was great!
She insists they are just "friends" but who knows after tonight I got to meet his parents at the march and they seem very nice as well. Sooooooo....tonight I will definitely be spending the evening checking the clock, pacing, looking out the window and probably eating everything in sight. Oh the joys of parenthood!