Music used on VF Trip?

Kelly B

Thank you for a fantastic weekend, I'm still buzzing 4 days later! I really enjoyed the music you chose for the classes. In particular, I really loved the music you used for the Sunday class, during the punch drills. It had a really driving beat and helped me to throw those punches extra hard. What was that? Is that a dynamix that anyone can buy or something exclusive to you? I'd love to know.
Again, thank you for your hospitality and a truly energizing weekend.
Hi Kelly! Nice to hear from you again.

The music that I used was from Dynamix and is available to anyone. Saturdays step class I used Dynamix's Team Training #8 (side B)and slowed the pitch down to make it suitable for step. On Sunday I used Dynamix's Team Training #4(side B)during the punching drills. The song in particular that you are talking about is Planet Whip 99 remix. I agree, that song is AWESOME for punching drills. I have been using that in my classes for weeks now and everyone can't wait for the drills because of it:)!

If you would like more info on Dynamix, their website is or 1-800-843-6499.

Take Care!
hey cathe, thanks for throwing in a bit of "Alice Deejay" .."do you think you're better off alone" for Saturday's step class! it's currently my favorite CD and I'm wearing it out, but stepping to it live with you was just out of this world. now everytime I hear it I think of the 2 knees, rebound back! :)
Loved the music!

Cathe, I also always love the music you select for the Road Trip classes! (And for the videos, too! ;-)) I remember on the Road Trip last October, there was a song that had a little bit of the Jackson 5's "I Want You Back" mixed in -- I especially loved that -- I was actually singing along a little bit! (Fortunately, the music was loud enough that no one heard me! ;-)) Just recently, I bought Instrumentally Yours #3 from Dynamix (Interval Max) -- It was on clearance for $9.99 and I just couldn't resist! :-jumpy

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