Music on CTX was the Best !


I'm concerned about the music for Hardcore. I feel the music for CTX was just was middle of the road, perfect for everyone, not too ANYTHING...just wonderful, middle of the road... I feel the Intensity series, as much as the music doesn't 'bother me' it's not like the music on the CTX series where I really am into Each tune without any complaints... I think the music fit every age at every category...How many people have complained about the CTX music vs. how many have loved it? I'd like some replies here as I feel other people will feel the same about chosen music for HardCore...Hardcore needs to be great for EVERYONE, not just a chosen few...the music from CTX was just right!

I love the music on the Intensity Series and Body Blast series more than the CTX series. So I hope Cathe stays with the same type music as IS and BB.
They have already picked which music production company they are using. Luckily, it will be the same company they used for Intensities.
While I liked the music for CTX, I really liked it in The Intensities and Body Blast. The only "series" where I didn't care for the music was the new beginner stuff; it was kind of nondescript. I'm happy that the Hardcore music will resemble the Instensities.
I love the music on CTX and Intensities (especially IMAX2), but some of the songs in Body Blast are too slow/whiney/unmotivating. I really prefer music with minimal lyrics and strong beats.
I really love the music on the Intensities and Blast series. A lot of the CTX music was grating to me. Since music is such an individual thing, a "no music" option would be great.
CTX music was my favorite, too, but I don't think we're in the majority. Some pop music grates on my nerves, mostly because of the lyrics. In my perfect world, there would be a "lyrics off" option.
The music in Intensities and Body Blast was my favorite and I am soooo glad that Cathe is going with that type of music for thhe Blasts. The music in CTX really grates on my nerves and is probably part of the reason why I don't do them as often.
Personally, I think we should leave Cathe to make her own executive decisions about how to design her workouts, and what music she wants to use. After all, she will want music that will fit the movements and choreography and bpm that she has in mind. I prefer to trust to the professional, because none of us knows as much about putting a knockout workout together as she does.

I think it must get irritating to her that we are trying to control every aspect of her artistic production (it seems). After all, it will be impossible for her to please every single individual. We are now getting the P90 X style that so many cried out for: can we just trust her to get on with it?

Another vote for BB & the Intensity Series. I really liked the recognizable songs. Another favorite is the techno version of "Eye of the Tiger" from the punching drill section of Cardio Kicks. Whatever Cathe chooses, I'm sure it'll be awesome. I've yet to find an instructor w/ workouts that are as nicely synchronized to music as Cathe's.
>While I liked the music for CTX, I really liked it in The
>Intensities and Body Blast. The only "series" where I didn't
>care for the music was the new beginner stuff; it was kind of
>nondescript. I'm happy that the Hardcore music will resemble
>the Instensities.

I agree.

I also think that Cathe does a great job selecting music to fit her workouts. I like some music selections more than others, but all in all, her selections energize me. Love the music louder option. I guess music off would be good because it would offer another option.

I don't feel like she is giving us P90X workouts at all. She has been putting workouts together for years on video, long before BB. Her current series seems like it compliments her previous workouts. Seems like she listened to her customer's requests.
Another CTX music fan here. I have to agree with a poster above who said top 40 lyrical music gets to be too much. I agree. I didn't care for most of the music on the Blast series except for KPC. The intensity series wasn't too bad, but not as good as CTX.
I have to say that I love the music from the Intensity series... especially in IMAX2, usually by interval 7 or 8 I am sooo tired, but I keep gong just so I can hear 'Pina Colada'. I love the super-fun song at the end of each workout (I think there's one on Boot Camp as well, but I don't remember what it is). The CTX series is fine, but with the Intensity series the music is actually a huge motivator for me. :)

I liked the music on CTX and Intenisty Series very much, but the music on Body Blast is so awful I can barely stand to do most of them.:eek: A little extreme I know, but the music is a critical factor for me and I just can't get fired up listening to stuff like "Walking In Memphis","Band Of Gold" or...."You Are Not Alone"??!! Blech!x( I'm hoping for better next time.
>I love the music on CTX and Intensities (especially IMAX2),
>but some of the songs in Body Blast are too
>slow/whiney/unmotivating. I really prefer music with minimal
>lyrics and strong beats.

I agree!

I also like the music on Slow and Heavy and Cardio Kicks. (I think the two kickboxing workouts, CK and KPC, have some of the best music overall, because it has a really driving beat that goes well with kickboxing).

I also prefer minimal lyrics and strong beats.

Most of the Intensity Series music was good, but most of the BB music was almost unpalatable to me. I HATE having "Band of Gold" running around in my head all day.:(
>I have to say that I love the music from the Intensity
>series... especially in IMAX2, usually by interval 7 or 8 I am
>sooo tired, but I keep gong just so I can hear 'Pina Colada'.

I'd like it if the singer would pronounce it correctly. Piña, not peeena! It drives me freaking crazy!
Naturally, every action has a down side. Any time a variety of opinions is encouraged, it's like opening a Pandora's box. However, because Cathe takes our requests seriously, the chances of creating a product that will have brisk sales is also likely to increase.

I really appreciate having a voice in the content of the workouts. And since Cathe gives us that option and encourages us to use it, if we don't like what comes out and we didn't speak up before final decisions were made, then I think to at least some albeit limited extent, we have to take responsibility for our lack of satisfaction.

After thinking about your post, I realized that collectively our postings in preferences threads can inadvertently make us seem like a bunch of demanding, ungrateful and impossible to please kids because of the limited nature of this medium. Even with the smilies, it's extremely difficult to convey the tone in which our preferences are expressed. I think that in this forum it is just about impossible to find anyone who doesn't deeply admire, respect and trust Cathe's abilities and to me that's the context in which the preferences are expressed.


>Personally, I think we should leave Cathe to make her own
>executive decisions about how to design her workouts, and what
>music she wants to use. After all, she will want music that
>will fit the movements and choreography and bpm that she has
>in mind. I prefer to trust to the professional, because none
>of us knows as much about putting a knockout workout together
>as she does.
>I think it must get irritating to her that we are trying to
>control every aspect of her artistic production (it seems).
>After all, it will be impossible for her to please every
>single individual. We are now getting the P90 X style that so
>many cried out for: can we just trust her to get on with it?
Here here Allyson! Your post was Very Well Worded! I love the way you clarified our thoughts. Since Cathe does welcome our feedback, it would be to our disadvantage not to tell her how we feel about certain aspects of the production. As you so eloquently stated though, we'd be hard pressed to find Anyone who doesn't admire Cathe for her creativity, hard work and the excellent workouts she produces! Thank you for your post!


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