muscle max plb & pub



Do you have a favorite weight workout. I have plb and pub and love them both. I was thinking I could get a great total body workout with MM. Any and all opinions are welcome on muscle max thanks in advance

Hi Deb!

I agree, MM is a great total body workout. I don't think you'd be sorry if you ordered it at all.
That being said.......I am LOVE, LOVE, LOVING the Slow & Heavy dvd! Today I am doing legs & shoulders for the first time, so I can't comment yet on that, but the other 2 workouts are AWESOME!!!!
I'd say I rate them S&H #1, PUB, PLB #2 and MM #3.
That's just my 2 cents. Hope it helps!
My favorites right now are the Gym Styles. But I use parts of MM all the time. It is a great total body workout. There are 4 premixes. Upper Body only 42 min, Upper Body/Push Pull 33 min, Lower Body only 23 min and Timesaver 56 min.....:)...Carole
Thanks for the reply Becky and Carole


I didn't realize Muscle Max has so many premixes I love that. I might order it today. How is the band workout in this I heard it was killer.

Thanks ladies:)

Have a great day

The band is used for what Cathe calls "bonus burns" and they may bring a few tears to your eyes}( Great workout and one of my all time favorites.
You need this one!
PUB/PLB are two of my favorite weight workouts. I'm doing a Pyramid rotation now, to get back into shape after taking it a bit too easy while dealing with a poison ivy allergy attack.

I haven't done MM very much, so can't give much of an opinion on it, but I did like it when I tried it.
my fav upper body is push/pull premix with slow and heavy and pub and boot camp upper 2 times thru ranking up there also.I like the gymstyles also and power hour and superset premix but don't do them as much as the ones I listed first.Right know I am on a slow and heavy/bc upper rotation for around 2 more weeks.I really enjoy the pace of s&h it fries my muscles.I haven't done the whole mm dvd yet:eek: for legs I like any of the workouts they are all good.

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