Muscle Endurance


I just won a VHS copy of Muscle Endurance on ebay and I am so excited! I already bought a VHS of Boot Camp and love it. What do I have to look forward to with ME, ladies? What're your favorite parts? Anything really tough that I should look out for? I am excited to use this workout when it arrives.
I love the lower body work from this workout. It is effective! Lots of leg presses and a cool new move called "glute raise." This workout also has some great music, too.

Biceps. Don't say I didn't warn you.

And the best part of this entire workout, in my opinion? The ab segment!!! I bet I've used it over 100 times!!!
This is my favorite Cathe strength workout. It is just fun from start to finish! I did it yesterday, and I'm sore today - the good kind of sore. It just seems to work every body part effectively. And I agree about the abs - they are the best! Cathe uses the medicine ball for part of it - look out - that will really get you! Have fun with your new workout!
It has been AGES since I've done this workout...I think this may be the one I pull out tonight...
Well, I just finished ME. What a pleasant way to get a total body workout and that is one efficient, tough ab session.
ME is definitely a great full body workout! I honestly love most of Cathe's strength, but ME along with Muscle Max have special places in my heart :p!
Great! I really can't wait to get this workout now. I LOVE good ab sections. That is definitely my weak area, so I love workouts that include a challenging ab section. Like I love C&W's ab section, which I did today after I did Imax 2. Killer workout!
I just want to warn you...I think ME ab section blows C&W ab section right out of the water. C&W works the abs nicely, but ME abs are KILLER!!! In my humble opnion, anyway!
Yes, Carol - definitely that laugh! I nearly dropped my barbell the first time I heard it!
I got ME in the mail today and can't wait to use it. I may not get to it until Tuesday, though, since I am planning on a long bike ride tomorrow and KPC or KM on Monday.
Well, I did this workout for the first time this morning. It was super tough! I can't believe how many leg presses she did. My legs are going to be killing me tomorrow. I must say, this workout is just the challenge I was looking for. I can't do nearly as many reps as she does on any of the exercises, so it gives me something to work towards. And that ab section is terrific! Loved it so much. Question for you guys, where do you get a barbell similar to the one she uses? I only have a curl bar, and that didn't feel quite right to be using for these exercises. I can't wait to do this workout again!
I'm still wondering where I can get a barbell similar to the one Cathe uses in ME. I think I saw a post about this before, but don't remember where. Can you someone help me, please? Thanks in advance. :)

I did this workout again this morning and loved it! The ab section is one of my favorites of Cathe's- very tough, and long enough to be challenging, but not boring. I really like the tricep and bicep section, and the chest section nearly kills me. My only complaint about this workout is thht I wish she had done less leg presses and fit in some outer and inner thigh work instead. Overall, I like the style of this workout- high rep, muscular endurance.
>I'm still wondering where I can get a barbell similar to the
>one Cathe uses in ME. I think I saw a post about this before,
>but don't remember where. Can you someone help me, please?
>Thanks in advance. :)
If I remember correctly, she uses the Troy Lite barbell. I believe this is the website address: Hope that helps.

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