muscle endurance dvd



I am interested in buying the muscle endurance dvd. When i look on the web site it seems to give the dvd chapters for the wrong dvd.

Does anyone know where I can get specific details about what exercises/weights are on the muscle endurance dvd.

Thanks very much
Andrea :)
hi andrea, i had the same problem. ???? but there are alot of ME enthusiasts here. someone will help.

Hi Jes and Andrea an enthusiast here. There are 4 combo premix in this dvd :
Express workout premix
Lower body split
Upper body split premix (I love it)
Leg press premix

If you go to the chapters there is :

Warm up
Leg press 1 (I use my funny lifter to do it because I do not have the high step)
Barbel squats
Dumbell rows
Deadrow/ Clean & Press
Barbell biceps curl
Leg Press 2
Barbell Lunges
Medicine Ball
Kicks backs
Overheads triceps
Leg presses 3
Glute Raises
Front/Side Raises

The dvd deserve the money. You will have bootcamp with this dvd too with lot of premixes and a bonus combo with a mix of this two workouts. Hope this helps.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie
Muscle endurance is a great workout, you'll love it, plus it has bootcamp!

Stayfit, I love your typo "FUNny lifter". I notice that you've done this a few times and I now call my fanny lifter the "funny" lifter:) I say this in good fun, and I have to say your typed english has improved a lot since you've started posting here - keep up the good work!
Thank you CurlyQ. I hope my English stay improving but excuse my mistakes.I have never gone to USA or England and I have learnt english during my child school only and now I am 28 years old. Thank you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Mariángeles, you do a great job...if I was trying to post on a Spanish forum with my high school Spanish...well, it wouldn't be pretty!:p

I too have loved seeing it called the funny lifter. You always brighten my day.

Ruth:) :)
Thank you Ruth. You are very gentle. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Thank you Ruth. I am happy to be here with all of you.Happy thanksgiving with your family and friends. Thank you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie:)

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