Muscle Endurance/ Boot Camp


HI! I saw that there is a bonus premix on the ME/BC DVD. It's at the very bottom of the main menu. It looks like it's a combo of the two workouts. Have you guys done this? How long is it? I'd like to try it, but would like to know how much time it will take me first.

It's about an hour long. I did it once. It is mostly weights with one minute cardio intervals from bootcamp in it. I liked it though I could not do the cardio properly given my current condition ;). It's all quite high impact...I'm sure that I will benefit more from it once I am able to do high impact...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol
It's a nice touch little circuit, using 4 Boot Camp intervals, I think, adding in both Boot Camp and ME strength exercises in between. I think it's tough, useful. Kinda like another Terminator, maybe not quite that tough, but close.
It's not quite as killer as doing Bootcamp, but close. I like it better than Bootcamp because abs are at the end and I'm not laying down and jumping back up to do cardio all the time. Here's a breakdown:

approx. 65 minutes total

BC wu

BC cardio #1 (jacks)
BC squats
BC rows
ME deadlifts
ME deadrow/clean & press

BC cardio #2 (sumo squats)
BC static lunges
ME leg press #2
ME barbell lunges
ME bicep curls

BC cardio #6 (conseq. power kicks)
BC front/side kicks
BC militaries
ME rear delts
ME side delts

BC cardio #3 (jack, jab, plyo)
BC pliés
ME leg press #1
ME barbell squats
ME tricep dips
ME kickbacks

ME chest flys
BC push-ups

ME abs

ME stretch

I just did Bootcamp this morning and love it. Even made it thru the Terminator things to the end, YAHOO! I've wondered about the premix so thanks for posting. Secretly glad to see the dreaded Terminator things are not on the premix.


I like the bonus,It,s better than Terimnater because I don,t like
cardio and weights

and ,Diane, you can do Bootcamp premix ,everything but core and do
core premix at the end ,thats really great.


By the time I've done the "Everything but Core" premix, having to stop and click to the "Core only" premix always seems to give me the excuse to just skip core altogether. :p

This is a good premix. I like ME, but always feel like I need a little cardio with it. This fits the bill! What can I say I can never just do a weight workout (boring!) I have to add cardio to get a decent sweat going.

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