muscle definition


okay, i started with the firm about 4yrs ago and have gotten quite alot of muscle and toning from doing their videos. then i went on to working out at the ymca doing bootcamp classes there 2x week and trying to add another day on my own at home with the firm. even though this bootcamp is a kick butt class, i havent seen anymore definition in my delts. my biceps and triceps look pretty good. but when your arm is straight down they are just UGH> i want that indentation that you see on cathe or other fitness people. that cut on the side of the arm . how can i achieve this. i have tried to go heavier on the wts and add extra shldr work still very little to nothing for results. Is this a hard area to get cut? any advice would be appreciated. I also run 2 days a week for extra cardio to help burn off the fat. thanks laura
Definition is a combo of muscle (built with resistance training) + a reduction in the layers of fat over that muscle (from cardio and diet: or basically more calories being burnt than are consumed).

For resistance work: I didn't start seeing tricep definition until I started doing lying triceps extensions (heavier barbell ones, cross-body dumbell ones, dumbbells ones with a twist at the top). Pairing them with narrow grip bench presses can also be effective (once you reach exhaustion on the extensions, do as many presses as you can). Tricep push-ups (elbows close in to the body) are also effective, as well as those 1-arm, side-lying tricep push-ups (according to Tamilee Webb, in her "I want that body" workouts, the side-lying tricep push-up was the tricep exercise that was shown to be the most effective at engaging most tricep muscles when tested using equipment that tests for that sort of thing--name escapes me~!) (P90X "Shoulders and Arms" is the best workout in video that I've found for shoulders and arms.)

For cardio: do you do boxing or kickboxing? They are both very good for helping tone the arms and shoulders, and giving an extra boost to your upper body routine.
my tricep;s look good excep;t the long head of the tri's needs some improvement. that when you wave bye ,they still wave by a little also, but not like before. it the side delts that i cant seem to get cut. i wont give up. thats why i think i will stop; going to bootcamp class and try a cathe rotation for 8 weeks. thanks, laura
thanks, i remember reading your post. i am hoping to get more cut in the medial delts. they are coming along but slowly. laura

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