I would like to loose 10 lbs for June (in 4 months), also want to have muscle definition and toned and trimmed legs.
Please help me design a rotation. I own the following DVDs:
Cathe Cadio Hits: Power Max, Step Fit, Step Works
Pure Strength: Legs & Abs, Chest-Shoulders-Triceps, Back-Biceps
Power Hour + = Power Hour, MIS, Body Max
Thanks a zillion times.
I would like to loose 10 lbs for June (in 4 months), also want to have muscle definition and toned and trimmed legs.
Please help me design a rotation. I own the following DVDs:
Cathe Cadio Hits: Power Max, Step Fit, Step Works
Pure Strength: Legs & Abs, Chest-Shoulders-Triceps, Back-Biceps
Power Hour + = Power Hour, MIS, Body Max
Thanks a zillion times.