Muscle animations on DVDs?


Did I miss something?
I've been previewing the DVD's, and don't see any of the animations I thought were going to show up during the breaks in at least the third meso (yes, I've made it though previewing all 3 just watching the first weeks, and skipping through chapters as I 'got the jist' of the exercises in Mesos 2 and 3). I haven't seen any (it's possible that in my 'skipping' I skipped over them.

Muscle Animations

They didn't make the final cut. We just didn't like the way they interrupted the flow of the workouts. They just seemed to be out of place. We did have all the animations created though and will be sharing them with you on Cathe TV. We just finished putting together a 7 min segment for Cathe TV for the monthly animation segment on Squats.

I think having them online will be better. I won't have to hunt for a disc to view one if I want to look at it when I'm not working out or getting ready to workout. I suppse this way they will be in an area where we could access them more easily. I like it!


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