Multiple miscarriages


I am hoping some of you can help me know what to expect when I go talk to my dr.

I had a m/c about 5 yrs ago. That happened at 11 weeks. Then I got pregnant and had my son, who just turned 4. About 6 months ago I had a m/c at about 6 weeks. And just this weekend I had another m/c at 6 weeks.

What might my dr. recommend. This m/c really caught me by suprise and now I am confused. Will my dr. say anything about exercise?

Thanks for any input. This kinda put a damper on the holidays for me.

Well, with my experience, this is what I expect that you will hear. He will more than likely tell you that you've had one successful pregnancy and that he's not worried. If you have 3 in a row then they will start testing on certain causes. If you do not like that answer, if that's the one that he gives you, I Highely recommend shopping around for another OB that doesn't have to answer to a large Hospital chain. I managed to find one that would do whatever I asked, but he's with a small hospital. They did find something wrong with me. I have a blood condition that causes my blood to clot very easily.
Good luck with everything! I know the pain that you are going through, all too well.

Let me suggest a website that has a forum where women who have difficulty conceiving or keeping a pregnancy share info. It's Good luck!


I'm so very sorry to hear of your losses. I too, am recovering from my second miscarriage in 6 months. I also had 3 miscarriages before having 2 beautiful children. I know all too well that is doesn't get any easier with each miscarriage. I had a host of tests after my first 3 miscarriages and was sent to a perinatologist once I got pregnant with my son. I had to take 9-12 weeks of progesterone with both of my successful pregnancies but it wasn't determined whether or not the progesterone really did anything. I never had low levels of natural progesterone with all the bloodwork I had done but it was given to me anyway. Both of my recent miscarriages were at 5 weeks so I never had enough time to get to the doctor before I miscarried.

I know how difficult this must be for you, especially around the holidays but stay strong and take care of yourself. Ask your doctor if there are other tests that can be done for you. Like you, I was concerned my vigorous exercising might have caused it, but it didn't. Unfortunately, approximately 25% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage and the statistics show that it might be higher than that. Some women don't know that they have miscarried early and/or many go unreported. (I was on the board of a Neonatal Death/Stillbirth/Miscarriage support group in my city.)

You'll be in my prayers.
Take care,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words! It means alot to know that somebody understands.

I am doing fine, just a little disgusted. But we are moving on and I finally got the book TCOYF and it has been enlightening.

I know God has a plan and I just have to be patient.


I am so sorry for your loss. I sent you an email and a pm. Let me know if you didn't get them.

You are in my prayers.


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