MSAFP test

Chris S.

Hi everyone,
I took the MSAFP screen 10 days ago and the levels were abnormally low, which supposedly indicates the possiblity of increased risk of Down's Syndrome. Went last Wednesday for a basic ultrasound to make sure my due date was correct, since miscalculation can throw it off. Turned out that my due date *is* off by nearly a week, which means that I took the test at 14.9 weeks, not 15.9 like they thought. However, my doctor won't accept that as an explanation. I'm going for the level II ultrasound this coming Wednesday, and will more than likely have an amnio when all is said and done.
I have talked to a few friends who had babies recently, and several of them said that their doctors encouraged them *not* to take the screen--either because they were going to have an amnio anyway or because they didn't fall into a high risk category. I don't fall into a high risk category either, and while I wish my doctor had told me more about this test before encouraging me to take it, my main focus is hoping and praying that this is indeed needless worry and my baby is fine.
Even though I know (now) that the MSAFP has a very high false-positive rate, even though my doctor said, quote, "it is more than likely that your baby is fine," and even though my gem of a husband has been more supportive and positive that one could imagine, I can't help but be scared to death and miserable. I feel and believe in my heart that my baby is fine, but the seeds of doubt have been planted and I'm so very scared.
I know that ths MSAFP is controversial in some ways, and I don't want to start any heated posts. But, I would really appreciate some words of encouragement and/or advice, and especially would appreciate points of view from people who may have been in a similar situation.
Sorry for the long post. Thanks for listening.
Hi Christine!

I don't have any advice or points of view to share with you in this situation but wanted to let you know that you, your hubby and baby will be in my thoughts & prayers. I would also be scared to death. It's hard NOT to worry. Maybe Sheila will have some advice for you. Please keep us posted and hang in there. We are thinking of you!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi Christine,

I just wanted to offer my words of encouragement to you. I have come into contact with many women in your same situation in the many years that I have been working with pregnant women. I can honestly tell you that in all these years, all of the women who I knew to have high or low AFP's went on to deliver perfectly healthy babies. Yes, the test is flawed in that it does have a high false positive rate, but since it is available physicians must offer it to you with informed consent. Then it is up to the patient to make up her mind as to whether she will undergo the test or not.

Take care. We are here for you. Let us know what happens. Consider yourself hugged!!!

Sheila Watkins
Hi, Christine!

I just took the same test last Wednesday and have not yet heard anything from my doctor's office. My doctor did tell me that there was a chance that I would test low because of factoring in my age (38). I took this test knowing and understanding that it is a screening test ONLY and I had decided not to have amino done unless the combination of the AFP and my ultrasound indicated that I should have amino. Please, please keep in mind that this is a screening test only, not a diagnostic one.

I have a level II ultrasound scheduled for March 12 which I gotta say is making me feel very comfortable about any negative results on the AFP if I shoud get any--the level II ultrasound allows the technician to do a complete assessment of your baby's anatomony as well as look for all kinds of things. I was told that, if during the level II ultrasound, something was discovered that could not be explained that I would be offered an amino right then and there to get more information. I bet your level II ultrasound will put your mind to rest. Hang in there! I know how nerve wracking all this is. I just try to keep it in perspective and take each day as it comes. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and let me know how you make out.
Hi Christine,
I don't have any infor to share. Just wanted you to know that my heart goes out to you. I just had a beautiful baby girl, but worried all through my pregnancy about downs because of my age. I didn't have any prenatal testing beyond the basics because it wouldn't have changed anything. None the less, it is my nature to worry and I did about everything. Everything turned out fine. Hang in there.

Thank you and an update

Hi all,
I went and had the level II ultrasound yesterday. According to the doctor, from an ultrasound point of view the baby looks perfect. They looked carefully and none of the markers that are associated with Down's were present, nor were any other "red flags." I know that the only way to know for sure is to have the amnio; I haven't spoken with my OB/GYN yet and haven't decided if I'm going to do the amnio. BUT, needless to say, we are very relieved at this point. The technician and radiologist were wonderful, by the way. They were very patient with our many questions and sensitive to the fact that we were very worried.
Thanks so very, very much Debbie, Sheila, Kellie & Paula. Your reassurance, kind words, support and info have helped me through a stressful week.
Hugs back to all of you!
Oh Christine!

I am sooo happy to hear your great news. I'll still keep you all in my thoughts & prayers and please keep us posted on that lil' miracle! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Thank you and an update

This is great news!! I am so happy for you!

I am getting ready to call my doctor's office as I have not heard anything on the results of my triple screen--I know they said they would call only if there was a reason to, but, my ultrasound is on Monday and I want to know if the test showed anything before I go in for the ultrasound. Guess I just want them to say everything is ok....

I hope you can now relax and enjoy your pregnancy. My husband and I have decided not to have amino unless the ultrasound shows we'll just see how that all goes

Take care and enjoy!
RE: Thank you and an update

Thank you again for your kind words....I'll be thinking happy, healthy thoughts for you on Monday :). Keep us posted on how it all goes!
RE: Thank you and an update

Hi, Chris and others!

Well, I had my ultrasound on Monday and it's a boy!!! We are very excited!

However, I am on a bit of an emotional roller coaster--the ultrasound showed two markers for increased risk of Downs or other chromosomal disorders. We have decided to go ahead and have amnio done since this is the only way we will know for certain. The doctor has assured us that I still have a 98% of everything being okay. My triple screen did come back normal...

I suppose it is normal to feel this way: one minute I feel positive about all this and the next minute all I can do is focus on the negative. I have burst into tears at least 3 times today and it is not even noon yet!!!

Anyway, thanks for listening...I will try to keep positive and continue to workout as I know that will help immensely!!!
RE: Thank you and an update

Just wanted to offer some support and let you know I'll be thinking of you....I *know* how emotional it all is. The odds are *definitely* in your favor that Baby Boy is just fine.
Try to keep those positive thoughts flowing and I'll do the same. Take care.
RE: Thank you and an update

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am definitely in a better frame of mind now. I have the amnio scheduled for March 20--the earliest they could get me in. The doctor has assured me that they will put a rush on my results and get them to me in 7 days. I am very happy and very comfortable with this doctor, so it does make things a bit easier.

I am going to keep busy with work outs , reading good books, pampering myself, and spending quality time with my husband and my doggy. I like my job and it keeps me busy so that is good, too. Hopefully, these next two weeks will pass by quickly!

I heard Cathe is putting out new videos--that cetainly cheered me up today!!! And I got my state income tax return today--$990 refund--plenty of money to buy those new videos. ha,ha!

Thanks again, and I'll keep you posted

How are you feeling? How are your workouts going??? Hope all is well!

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