Ms.Fit or NEW DVD?


Please help me decide. I am wanting to lose 10 pounds, shoudl I sign up for Ms.FIt or should I buy Slow and heavy and the CTX DVD? I already have the Body blast series and the Hardcores. Any advice is appreciated :)
Since diet is the most crucial piece of wt. loss, along with exercise of course, I would suggest Ms. Fit. This is because she will tailor your diet and training to meet your needs. Since you are here on the Cathe forum, I am assuming you are an advanced exerciser already. I am also thinking of doing the same thing.

Good Luck.

I would get the CTX DVD and a sound book on basic nutrition and be a lot better off than giving my money to someone who may produce arbitrary advice such as "no fruit."

No-one needs anyone else to tell them what to eat and when. Invest in a good book on human nutrition and start eating to fuel your body with all the basic food groups throughout a 24 hour period. Make sure you have a complex carb, a protein and several servings of fruits and vegetables at each meal and you will be eating for a happy healthy life. It can in fact be that simple.

There is a power that comes from self-knowledge: from working out for yourself what your body needs, from using your own research and trial and error to satisfy your body's needs for good diet and exercise. No-one can know you like you can and no-one else can know what you need like you can. The power also comes from doing these things for yourself, from doing your own research and learning. What others may like to tell you can go in one ear and out the other. What you learn for yourself, true self-knowledge, is with you for life.

Learn to know yourself and trust your own body and instincts.

Ditto (what Clare said)

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
I'd get the DVD. I've said this a lot about CTX: it's the most versatile series Cathe has ever produced. There is nothing like it on the market. You can use every workout in a 6-day rotation, or you can mix and match however you want. When I was new to this forum, I read a lot of success stories from ladies who used CTX alone.

As far as eating goes, I agree with what Clare says. There have been a lot of threads here about clean eating, and there are a lot of books out there about how to eat for fat loss, not just weight loss. Also, there is no one magic formula to working out or eating to get the results you want, as we all respond differently to diet and exercise.

I disagree with NOT needing assistance with nutrition. There is so much conflicting information on what to fuel your body with, it's nice to rely on someone else to provide nutritional information and macronutrient information for you and then adjust as needed. Especially if you are in a situation where there a last 5-10 lbs or if you want to lower your body fat. As Pinky says, there is no magic formula for everyone, but an individualized nutrition plan in priceless if it works for you. As has been stated on this site many, many times and from what I have read, if you are doing the appropriate amounts of cardio and weight lifing and are not getting the results you want, the problem is what you are eating. Isn't nutrition 80% of the equation?

I DO agree that CTX is a MUST HAVE.

So, there you have it. Conflicting opinions again, LOL! My experience is you just have to make a decision and go with it. Hopefully it will be the right decision for you.


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