MP3 and holder?


Well I finally broke down and bought an MP3 player yesterday.. I have one question for those that use these on the treadmill.. what do you use to hold it? mine has a clear case with a belt loop type thing (I don;t wear a belt while working out!).. so what holds it to you? my DH says that he has seen some type of arm band thing..?

There are all kinds of cases for MP3 players. I bought a leather case for my iPod Nano that clips onto your clothes. I personally don't care for the arm bands -- I don't like anything tight around any part of my body. And it seems like it'd be a hassle to operate while it's on your arm -- adjust volume, change songs, etc. There's a million options to choose from. Places like Best Buy and Circuit City usually have a large inventory of cases/holders.
My old one was larger and fit on the bar of the treadmill. My current one is so tiny, it would fall through, so I place it in an armband holder, and hold it in my hand. The soft arm band fits perfectly in the palm of my hand, and gives me something to hold on to. I agree with Michele, that I would never actually wear it on my arm. If it were larger, I would just buy a case for it and hold it in my hand. The headphone cord is very long, so I can still move my arms as much as I like.

By the way, what are you using for earphones?

When you say it has a belt loop thing do you really need a belt? I am on my fourth mp3 player now and each has had a clear case with a CLIP that would slide over belt or an armband or, in my case, over the waistband of my shorts/pants.

What kind did you get? My creative Zen Nano Plus came with an armband, but I have never tried it. I don't like tight things on my arm either.

If it is not a clip but actually requires something slide through the loop, could you loop some velcro through it and sew the other velcro on your designated "treadmill shorts"?
I recently got the Ipod Nano myself, and have tried several holders. I also didn't care for the arm band holder. I actually haven't even tried that one. It wouldn't be convenient for me to change songs, etc. My favorite is the leather case with clip. You can clip it right to your workout pants or top. I bought mine on Ebay. Amazon has it too. Another one I like is a plastic skin that comes with lanyard and you can put it around your neck.
Mine was a cheaper model ( not ready to spend the money for an Ipod!) and it came with a clear plastic case.. no clip but a loop that I guess fits with a belt.. I did discover that the retractable ID badge that I have to wear for my work ID and Door badge, has a great clip, and is retractable, so I can clip it on my top or waistband then pull it out to view/change.. I will try this on the treadmill tomorrow! Thanks for the replies!

p.s it came with the ear bud type earphones.

Very nice headset, Michele! I may try that next. I really like my Koss Portapros, but sometimes I'd rather have something in the ear.
Nancy, I love the Sony headset. It's not the least bit uncomfortable and it doesn't make me feel hot. I get so hot and sweaty when I work out that I couldn't tolerate the style that fits over your ears. The Sony does let in background noise -- a safety feature that some people may not appreciate. I like it -- I want to be able to hear traffic outside and the phone when I'm indoors. Of course, if you set the volume high enough you won't hear the outside noise.
I use the armband and find it to be very comfortable. I slip the cord from the headphones down the back of my shirt and then connect it to my iPod, so the wires aren't bouncing around in front of my arms, which used to annoy me. Changing songs isn't a problem. I strap it to my left arm, so I can use my right hand to operate the clickwheel, which is fairly easy to adapt to, IMO. The only time I need to skip songs is if I'm in shuffle mode.

Cathy :)
Apparently Cathy and I are MP3 player twins :p That's exactly how I wear mine! Except if I'm not wearing a shirt, but only a sports bra, I will stuff the excess cord down between the two bras--I always wear two when running. I love the armband and find it very easy to use, especially now after a couple of years, a few different players, and armbands.

One word about earbuds. Those that came with my first MP3 player were too big for my ears and kept falling out, but those that came with my second were much skinnier and fit perfectly, also the cord was not as annoyingly long.

Have fun!

i use the armband for my ipod, but i'm comfortable with that. i can see why some people wouldn't like it though. also, i only use the armband when running outside. on the treadmill i just throw it in the cup holder.

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