Motivating an exercise class


Hi Cathe!

I was wondering if you have classes where the people in the class just don't seem that excited to be there or seem to be just going through the motions and are there only because they feel they should be. I've gotten back into teaching two classes and I'm finding myself having a hard time staying motivated myself when the people in my class don't seem to be into it. I question if they are bored with the class but I've asked if they like the class. If they would prefer to do something different each week or do the same work out for 4 weeks and then change it up. The majority likes the change every week. I have a couple people there that seem to be catching up with each other and at times make me feel like I'm interrupting their conversation.

I'm serious when it comes to the workouts. If you have any suggestions or comments for me, I'd love to hear them.

Cathe is superb with the motivation factor! Hope you don't mind me chiming in with things I've observed from RTs and the Cathe Live workouts...

1. Calling out + praising class members by name, like "Way to work it, Linda!" or "Nice form, Ro!"
2. Playfully saying things to get whoo-hoos or shouts from class members like "Are you out there?"
3. Having class members count down the number of remaining reps and "threatening" to require more if they aren't loud enough.
4. Similarly, asking the class how many reps they've already done or having them help you remember what move is next in a choreographed routine.
5. Taking requests if you have a couple extra minutes or have flexibility in the routine. I remember a leg workout during a Cathe RT where she asked for requests on what move we should do next. Somebody shouted "calf raises!" and Cathe proceeded to kill our calves with her, loving...ways! ;)

Yeah, just some random thoughts. Take them or leave them! Good luck! By the way I'm sure you're awesome at what you do. The very fact that you care so much about the kind of experience your classes are having says a lot! :)

Hi Lisa,

Definitely thank you for chiming in. I've been on two of the RT's and tried remembering some of the things Cathe did. I don't do Cathe Live so good to hear from someone that has had exposure to both. Thanks for your thoughts, I will definitely take them. ;)

Hi Cathe!

I was wondering if you have classes where the people in the class just don't seem that excited to be there or seem to be just going through the motions and are there only because they feel they should be. I've gotten back into teaching two classes and I'm finding myself having a hard time staying motivated myself when the people in my class don't seem to be into it. I question if they are bored with the class but I've asked if they like the class. If they would prefer to do something different each week or do the same work out for 4 weeks and then change it up. The majority likes the change every week. I have a couple people there that seem to be catching up with each other and at times make me feel like I'm interrupting their conversation.

I'm serious when it comes to the workouts. If you have any suggestions or comments for me, I'd love to hear them.

I found that the music I played was a big motivator. I would ask participants what kind of music they liked. There were many seniors in the class and I played some older songs. I know myself, that when I love a song, I kick it up a little bit more.
Good luck
Hi Sherry,

Thanks for the input. I agree when I love a song I put out more energy. Definitely a motivator.

Cathe is superb with the motivation factor! Hope you don't mind me chiming in with things I've observed from RTs and the Cathe Live workouts...

1. Calling out + praising class members by name, like "Way to work it, Linda!" or "Nice form, Ro!"
2. Playfully saying things to get whoo-hoos or shouts from class members like "Are you out there?"
3. Having class members count down the number of remaining reps and "threatening" to require more if they aren't loud enough.
4. Similarly, asking the class how many reps they've already done or having them help you remember what move is next in a choreographed routine.
5. Taking requests if you have a couple extra minutes or have flexibility in the routine. I remember a leg workout during a Cathe RT where she asked for requests on what move we should do next. Somebody shouted "calf raises!" and Cathe proceeded to kill our calves with her, loving...ways! ;)

Yeah, just some random thoughts. Take them or leave them! Good luck! By the way I'm sure you're awesome at what you do. The very fact that you care so much about the kind of experience your classes are having says a lot! :)


Thank you for sharing those thoughts Lisa :)
Hi Brenda! I certainly understand your frustration. I think every instructor out there has at least experienced a few classes where it's like pulling teeth from your participants to get them connected to the workout. I see that Lisa (above) had shared with you what I do to help engage students (thanks Lisa). I hope that helps some. You can also consider partner drills to keep members engaged (ie: interlock ankles with a partner for sit ups and high five each time you both sit up facing each other). I'm personally not a huge fan of partner drills on a regular basis just because everyone's strength, skill, coordination, and personality is so different that you don't know how they'll feel about partnering up with someone (or touching someone else's sweat). But if you know your group has a high comfort level with one another they may really enjoy doing partner drills. Music is also a motivator but as you know with a room of many people it's near impossible to please everyone so aim for the majority. Get to know your members by their first names and let them know your watching them so they feel more accountable to their actions and participation. Also ask if there is a birthday in the house at the start of class. If so, have everyone collectively shout out happy birthday and then somewhere in the workout have them do reps of something (ie: push ups, dips, squats) that match the number of "Mary's birthday age". Or randomly ask your class to shout out a number from 1 to 16 and the first person to answer you is who you go with. Choose an exercise (that you know won't totally kill them but bring a round of laughter and challenge) and say "Julie just shouted out 12 so lets all do 12 squats at Julie's request" and wink at Julie. If your group isn't too big, you can occasionally bring in a container of washed fresh strawberries or grapes with toothpicks stuck in them so they can grab one (or a few, wink) on the way out for their mini carb reload refreshment. Just some ideas. Good luck!
Thank you so much for all the input. Thankfully (and not thankfully) my class is small enough that I know everyone's name. I say "and not thankfully because I wish I had more people. I have asked them if they liked the music I was using or if anyone had any preferences. Thanks for all the ideas. I really like the birthday one and having someone call out a number. I will definitely be adding that into my classes.

Again, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule and responding to my post.

Thank you so much for all the input. Thankfully (and not thankfully) my class is small enough that I know everyone's name. I say "and not thankfully because I wish I had more people. I have asked them if they liked the music I was using or if anyone had any preferences. Thanks for all the ideas. I really like the birthday one and having someone call out a number. I will definitely be adding that into my classes.

Again, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule and responding to my post.


My pleasure Brenda!

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