

Hello fitness buffs!My darling husband surprised me today with a box full of goodies from collage video! A whopping total of $265--I had a list made up in my catalog and he took it upon himself to order them for me--not knowing that I already did!So if any one is interested in buying the whole kit and kaboodle (sealed and ready to go)for $165 please let me know! You can email me at [email protected]--in the subject box put "collage videos" Thanks!
Ali macgraw yoga mind & body
Gilad sculpt and tone
In shape with Rachel Mclish
Body pump-video only
CIA 2103 Power aerobics & power mat science
Minna Lessig emergency workout
Crunch fat burning yoga
Janis Saffel Brand new butt and More
Firm upper body split
Firm lower body split
Firm body sculping kit
What a nice hubby!!! - I just had a thought and it may not work. What if you called collage, explained your dilema, asked if you could return the unopened tapes and get a merchandise credit for future videos? Just a suggestion - hope it all works out (no pun intended) for you.
I agree with Bebop. If you have not opened them, I am sure Collage will take them back. They have always been good to me (but I have good to them, too, buying about 150 dollars of tapes from them every year). I have returned tapes--opened--for the following reasons: "My husband can't stand listening to the instructor's goofy commentary, and neither can I!" "I can't do this hip-hop tape on the carpet, and I think you should warn your customers." And, I returned a tape when I saw that Karen Voight had her breasts enhanced--it really bothered me, and I knew I wouldn't do the tape.
I'm sorry it took soo long to reply! My AWESOME husband swept me away on a carnival cruise to the islands!I know how lucky I am ladies, this is why I didn't want to hurt his feelings when he was being soo thoughful!Everything worked out!I wanted everyone to know that Collage video arranged for UPS to pick up my motherload at a friends house! They were exceptional, I also included an order to be placed and the balance was sent to me in a refund check!A wonderful outcome to my dilema!--Your friend in fitness-Francine

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