Most appreciative fan in need.


Active Member
Jeepers Cathe!!!

It's hard to get a word in. I admit I'm not a regular viewer of your forum and so I'm a little concerned that you'll never read this but here I go. I had the most amazing experience meeting you, Jay, Cede, Loraine and Brenda. I have followed you since you started. I keep up with all of your videos and the weight levels and all. I'm VERY PROUD of that but....... about 3 years ago I started smoking ciggarettes when I found out that my very good friend had breast cancer (she smoked and I wanted to spend time with her so I would go outside just to be with her). I lost her about 2 years ago. I had smoked earlier in my life and quit in 1993 and restarted when my friend got sick. I snuck out in NJ and smoked in between workouts at your last road trip. It was embarrasing even when no one new, I NEW. You and your crew motivate me everyday but this is the hardest thing I've ever had to admit to you and accomplish twice. It's even harder now. You got me through a very hard time in my earlier life and my life is much easier and calmer and I'm making really good $$$ and have a great husband but I have this one last thing to tackle.

When I quit smoking the first time... I was just a few years into working out so the relief on my lungs was a HUGE motivater. I lost a sister and a brother and still managed to not smoke. Now that I've been working out sooooooooo many years..... even when I smoke, I'm still in shape and can make it through the workout. I'd like to think I'm invincible but I know the science. I guess what I'm saying is that I need a really hard workout for my lungs. You know, the boot camp material that makes you jump until you feel like you're going to pass out. I am going to quit smoking but if I had a really challenging workout for the lungs, produced by YOU!! I could maybe do it sooner. You're videos ROCK!! But I'd like to see a video that would be a really good motivater for me and others like me. I know I'm not alone.

The most appreciative fan and friend always! Take care of your brain, lungs and heart!!!

Hi LeAnn,

Not Cathe here, but I remember you from the roadtrip. You won Cathe's workout shoes, am I right? I don't post much either, but just wanted to say I know how you feel and hope I can be of help.

I quit smoking about a month before the road trip after about 25 years. This was my third attempt. Cathe made me want to quit and Chantix helped me to do so. It's a relatively new drug to help people quit smoking and really helped me with little to no side effects. Just something you might want to check out. If you have any questions just let me know.

I'm sorry about your friend.

Take care,
Cathe has tons of premixes so you could design your own gasping-for-air cardio workout or post in the general forum for some ideas. Good Luck!
Dear BLZ,

I am very sorry to hear about your friend. I, too lost one of my best friends to breast cancer, oddly enough in 1993. She was only 40. I can remember visiting her in the hospital once, and her mother was there. I needed to go out and have a cigarette, and did so. When I came back, her mother gave me an extremely hard time about having to have a cigarette. I felt awful and really hurt that I had been chided and actually, scolded for having a cigarette. My friend died in May of 1993 and I quit in November of 1993.

I, too felt no effects from smoking. At that time, I was playing racquetball and in some tournaments. I never was gasping for breath and actually felt fine. I really did not want to quit. I really enjoyed it. But, fourteen years later I am so grateful to myself for quitting. It was the best thing I ever did for me!

Last year, my mom died of lung cancer. She quit smoking in 1985 at age 58. I miss her every day. Please don't think that because you can get through a workout without gasping, that nothing could be wrong. My mom foung out the hard way. She had gone swimming and was asked by a friend to reach something on the side of the pool. As my mom reached for it, she slipped and hit the side of her body on the pool. After a couple of weeks of her side hurting, she finally went to the doctor. They x-rayed her chest and found a spot on her lung.

I don't mean to preach and sorry if I have-but quit for yourself. It sounds like you have everything going for you.

But, you'll have nothing, if you don't have your health!

Take care!


I remember you too. I didn't win the shoes but I won the gloves. I still have them in the bag from that night.

I have tried Chantix before twice. Both times I was working fulltime with an hour commute and teaching an MBA course at night. Timing was not good. I have a job closer to home and I'm not teaching so I picked the Chantix up yesterday. I haven't started taking them yet. I want to make sure that I make it work this time instead of sabbotaging myself.

How great for you!!!! That's awesome!! You must be so proud! I know how hard it is and I really admire you for making it happen in time for the trip. How do you feel?
I'll admit, I've never done a premix. I've just never had the time to research them and I want to make every workout count so I go with workouts that I know are tough. Do you recommend any in particular?

I don't hear any preaching going on just wise words from someone who's been in a similar situation. I'm sorry for all that you have been through. And you're right. Just because it seems fine now doesn't mean that it is. You must feel so much better and even more accomplished. My grandfather died of lung cancer and we all know that heredity plays into it. I just managed to finish IMAX 2 followed by the ab section of cardio and weights. I stuck with it to the end, no breaks, no gasping and when I was done, I went outside for a cigg thinking "What the XXXX am I doing!!!" I'm counting on the pure nonsense of it to drive me to it. I postively can't stand for obvious hypocrisy. This is pretty obvious. Thank you and everyone for their words of encouragement. It really helps!

Thank you!! Do you have any premixes in mind? I know there are lots. I the meantime, I've thought about jogging. In the winter here in Ohio, the cold wind can be very harsh on the lungs. I have a hard time with chin splints and my knees but I thought if I tried brisk walking in really cold air, that would get my lungs going "what's up with the toxins!!!!!".
I just realized that I responded to you twice. This is how silly I am on blogs. I can't even figure out how to get pics uploaded. Seriously, if you have any premixes in mind, it would be most appreciated :)
If you goto the VIDEO & DVD ROTATIONS forum, then goto the "FYI--Index of Cathe Rotations...." post you can scroll down to the May '07 Rotation which is an all-Premix rotation.
LeAnn, I'm not Cathe, but 2 days ago I celebrated my 11th anniversary of quitting smoking. I'm highly opinionated on the topic, and I don't believe that people quit smoking by discipline or will power. If you're interested, PM me.
Hi LeAnn! First....I am soooo very sorry to hear of your friend's loss. How heartbreaking. It is obvious you have endured quite a bit of hardship over the years.

It is wonderful, however, that you feel strong enough to reach out to us for some support...and you've received some great supportive advice already. I'm hoping that sharing this with us gives you just that extra push you need to stop smoking.

Wishing you strong and healthy healing vibes for a smoke free future. You can do it LeAnn!!!!!
Hi LeAnn,

I just want to say hi. I sat next to you at the dinner on Saturday night and still recall how excited you were to win those gloves!!! You and everyone at our table was sooo much fun!

Sorry, to hear of your struggle. Hope to see you again in Glassboro :)


Some more support coming your way. I quit smoking about a year and a half ago and like you I was doing all cathe's workouts with no problem. I felt like a hipocrit with eating organic and working out vigorously. Every day I'd keep telling myself I really needed to quit and part of me felt I could just continue smoking forever...I enjoyed it....or thought I did. I felt like I needed to make a decision either continue smoking and stop berating myself or just quit. I decided to quit...but it was a decision that I would not allow myself to go back on. I'd go on and use it as support for the first month until I felt stronger. It was the best thing to just be able to release all the daily thoughts of want to quit, should quit, going to get cancer if I don't quit and was such a feeling of freedom when I finally did quit. I had a grandparent die of lung cancer and my Dad continues to smoke and I prefer not to go down that road if I can help it. Just do it!
OMG!!! I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner. I tried to respond from my laptop but had a virus on it and couldn't complete the transaction. I am so excited to hear from you and your words of encouragement mean a lot. You have a great group of fans offering so much encouragement. The first time I quit smoking, many years ago, a lady who I thought would never quit actually quit smoking. I thought, "wow someone I know and respected did this." Hearing success stories is sooooo effective. I met a lot of your fans on the road trip and know how wonderful they are and how much I respect them. The nicotine feeds the belief that you can't do it so hearing success stories is HUGE...especially hearing from fans who have experienced the same physical/mental conflict. I work in an uptight business environment where emotions are not really welcome and my husband doesn't smoke. Getting in touch with people who understand is really hard. Your fans writing in is a great help and you are a great medium. Thanks for your forum.
Thanks! I understand the feeling. It's really just a matter of doing it. I started Chantix again about a week ago. It makes me sooooo sick to my stomach. I've permantly lost the taste for Chinese food. But it's working. I just have to make the decision on my quit date and stick to it. I worry about the effect on concentration. My job requires me to be very alert and no one at work knows that I smoke. So pulling this off will be hard but I know..not impossible. Thanks again.
If you want a tough premix, the Drill Max double cardio comes to mind. For masochists only}( .

Also do a search for Aquajock's mish-moshes on the forum. Her workouts which combine various sections of Cathe workouts will leave you sweaty and gasping. I guarantee it.


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