More Turbo Jam ??


Okay - I've read so much about this that I want to give it a try. My question is - do you think I should start with the first series, start with the two new live DVD's or wait until the next 4 DVD's come out in February??

Thanks for your input!
I think you should start with the first set that is now avaliable.If you order the deluxe pakage yo will receive the Cardio Party nº2 (more intense than Cardio Party nº1), a lower body workout named lower body jam and a resistance band. I hope the new ones will be more advanced.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator,TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie. :) :)
Thanks Mariangeles! Should I start with the first series to pick up the moves or is it really worth having. The idea of 30 minute, more advanced workouts sounds a little more appealing to me.
I agree with Mariangles. You get all these other workouts, but also the instructions on how to do the moves correctly.
For example: when I was doing a standing bent leg lift, I was using my leg (knee)as my main focus to lift. Chalene has you to use your hip to instigate the move as this puts more emphasis on the obliques.
Just little things like that help you to get the most out of your workout.

Each of the new ones are supposed to be more intense as they progress in future series, and they will build on each other. One needs to know the proper form now to understand how to do the new moves correctly. (That is what the info says from BB) Chalene has a lot of DVDs planned for the future. }( :p

Also included in the Deluxe Kit is a 10-day kickstart diet program. It emphasizes clean eating. I am learning how to make better smoothies...LOL
I agree too - I would get the entire first set. I haven't ever tried the Lower Body Jam - but both cardio parties are worth it. And then I LOVE the 20 minute workout. It is perfect to get in some cardio before I do a weight workout like MM or Upper Body work.

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