More Rest Needed for S&H Series???


Active Member
Good morning everybody!

This week, I finally took the plunge and started doing the S&H series. My plan was to do the 3 S&H workouts along with 2 cardio sessions. I did Chest and Back on Monday and had planned on doing some cardio yesterday, but body really wasn't up to it. I could have pushed myself if I wanted to but I "listened to my body" and it told me to rest :).

Now I'm thinking about not doing any cardio and just doing the Legs & Shoulders today, Biceps & Triceps tomorrow, rest on Friday, then do Power Hour (my favorite) on Saturday.

Has anyone else found that they needed extra recovery time with this series?

Cheryl :)
First of all, I'd skip doing Power Hour while on a S&H rotation. Try this:

day 1 Legs & Shoulders S&H, day 2 rest, day 3 cardio, day 4 Chest & Back S&h, day 5 rest, day 6 Biceps & Triceps, day 7 cardio

There's the does it look?
Now, why didn't I think of that? :) :) Sounds great!

Doing PH along with S&H would be a bit much huh?

Thanks Honeybunch!!! just inspired me! RE: More Rest Needed for S&H Series???

Honeybunch, you just inspired me to do exactly the type of workout you proposed...Thank you!

I have the S&H series since it came out...but, because of injuries, pregnancy and life....:)....I have been unable to start it. Sooooo, I will begin doing a 3 week rotation on Monday. Thanks again!

Keep never know who you will influence/motivate with your posts!

Now, about Aquajock....she inpires me soooo much, but I am scared to try all she does! :-jumpy! :-wow!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
RE: just inspired me! RE: More Rest Needed for S&H Series???

too cool! thanks a bunch.
RE: just inspired me! RE: More Rest Needed for S&H Series???

Speaking of S & H.....

I am starting tommorrow with this rotation and would like to know if you can do them back to back. I know that is not optimal, but kindof necessary for me sometimes. I mean, is it OK to do them MON, TUES, WED as opposed to MWF?? If you were to do that, would you sandwich the leg tape in between the other 2?? Or break them completely apart into PUSH/PULL muscles?? I REALLY do not want to work body parts that were worked in a previous workout so which order would you put them in if you were going to do them back to back or on consecutive days?? Thanks. Janice
RE: just inspired me! RE: More Rest Needed for S&H Series???

Day 1- Legs/shoulders;
Day 2 - Back/biceps;
Day 3 - Chest/triceps

Is that what you had in mind?

You are a talent with the rotations, honeybunch!
I copied both of these down. I love S+H but just completed my first rotation of it (only 2 weeks) and because it takes so much time and concentration to do, it was awkward finding the right balance. I like to use rotations, but I listen to my body too, and often times the two don't go hand in hand so I must reorganize the remainder of my workout week. Your suggestions will help me to do so.
RE: honeybunch


Actually, I was thinking..
1. biceps/triceps
3. back/chest

And then I thought about it even harder and came up with...


The latter rotation seems like it would allow for more recovery while doing these tapes on consecutive days. Do you think so?? I just keep thinking definitly don't put the leg/shoulder and back/chest back to back. Too much shoulder involvment. But then another poster here said that she did biceps/tri the day after legs/shoulders and she was sorry!!

I was toying with the idea of seperating each body part per day and adding a little cardio into the mix, but I really do want to focus on lifting as heavy as I possibly can and I think cardio immediately preceding would interfere with my main goal.

I did biceps/triceps today and I really liked it. I felt kinda weird because I didn't sweat or anything. It was very challenging and I was crying and everything, but, WOW!! how refreshing to do a workout without sweating buckets and feeling like you are on the verge of death!! Nice break for me!!

Thanks, Janice
I tried a similar rotation twice before and..

I found that I was exhausted by week's end when I added on a full-body workout (PH or MIS) and did cardio (usually taekwondo or kickboxing) 2-3 times a week.

I have limited my cardio this time through to my one to two times a week taekwondo classes and have had much better success with S&H and am tired but not completely exhausted. I have increased my weights and have had some definite musculature breakthroughs and it has been worth it. S&H definitely will break through strength plateaus if you rest up.

As a side note, I have a hard time doing Pure Strength 1x a week without adding in MIS or Power Hour in - I still feel like I need to do a bit more since PS doesn't seem to tax me like S&H. This time after S&H I might move to PS instead of an MIS / PH rotation first and see what happens weight-wise. As badly as I need to move on to endurance again, I hate to have to drop any weights.
RE: I tried a similar rotation twice before and..

Rather than doing MIS or PH added one when you're doing the PS series, why not add on an extra set of each exercise?
RE: Thank you Honeybunch....

for your advice on NOT doing PH along with my S&H rotation! I see exactly why you said that now! I did Legs and Shoulders yesterday and ooohh-wee!...I'm feeling it today, just like I did with Chest and Back the other day. I can't wait to do Biceps and Triceps today! I love that feeling of really working my muscles.

Now I can't even imagine doing PH with S&H! What was I thinking????

I believe that I've finally found a rotation the I will stick to for the next 3-4 weeks.

Cheryl :)

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