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Since everyone handled this sensitive subject so thoughtfully, I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents and ask for a Labrador in the crew working out behind Cathe. Imagine the tail-wagging modifications. LOL!!

Actually, I do have a question. When doing a really tough cardio workout, my fingers and hands sometimes swell and get puffy as though I'm overheating or something. Is that anything to be concerned about? It doesn't happen on relatively easy cardio--mostly just Cathes or interval workouts. Thanks in advance.

Hi Hounddog

I have the same thing happen to me from time to time...usually with a real tough workout and also on days that I may spend walking at fairs or all day events.
I contribute mine to lack of proper hydration. I have done a mini study on myself
and if I hydrate properly all day and drink enough during the workout...I have less of a problem with it. But when those little piggies start to swell, I know I have been bad on my water comsumption. Of course this is just me and it may be a different reason for take it with a grain of salt...or with a cup of water hehehe

Good Idea...

Dear Nancy:

Good thinking! I know I'm too often guilty of wiating till after working out to hydrate, so I'll bet you're right on that. I'll try it out (due for intervals tomaorrow) and see how it goes. Thanks.

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