Monday Nov. 12, 07 BFL

Hi Colleen,

:( Sorry to hear about your neck! Ouch...with stress from work this can make all the muscles tighten right up as well.

Do you get headaches from the cardio or did you wake with a headache and then hoped by this evening it would be gone?

I get pretty bad headaches and the only relief I get is when I do run. I run my head off until it is gone! doc thinks I am nuts but if it works I am going to stick with it.

Good thing you got your workouts in for this probably made you feel better if work is getting to be too much these days.
Just as well that the BBQ got cancelled because this may have thrown you way off track unless you had all your food with you.

What do you have in mind for your cardio tonight?

I am going to get in my LIS soon. BBL
Hey, guys. SOrry for not getting back online earlier today. And now I'll be doing another hit-and-run post.

For those injurred or hurting in anyway....TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! I'm sending out healing vibes right NOW!

After my earlier post this afternoon, I hit my dining room, with the intention of cleaning it out so I can start to paint. I wanted to paint it and get chair rail up before T-Day next week. BUT.....I got sidetracked by all my scrapbooking stuff. I cleaned out and re-organized all that stuff, then ended up pulling out and re-organizing the actual pictures. THEN the albums. THEN......well, now I'm scrapbooking instead of painting! LOL The room will just have to wait till after TDay to get its nice coat of paint! lol I LOVE TO SCRAPBOOK! Once I get going, I actually dream of crafty spreads in my sleep! lol It's a sickness, I believe!

ANYWAY.....I let the kids stay up later tonight their normal 8pm bedtime. (See? My scrapbooking allows me to bend my very strict bedtime, lol). Time to tuck them in.

GOOD NIGHT! See you in the AM!


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