<--Monday Monday, can't trust that day....


<--waves mornin' glories
<--can't wait to see pix of the GTG
<--is slurpin java
<--hopes everyone has a Happy WonderfulDay
<---pours another cuppa for Tammy
<---hopes Tammy has good second week of work
<---wonders if Tammy's mom made the move to a different facility OK?
<---plans on getting summer clothes out of attic this afternoon
<---hopes there is a need for new summer clothes so retail therapy will be in order this coming weekend
<---will be picking up DS for the weekend and wants to visit Target
<---was glad to see Maeghan peek in last night and sends healing vibes her way
<---warns Meaghan that those cute little white kittens grow into huge brown cats
<---says my huge-brown-once-was-tiny-white-cat earned the nickname Buffalo Butt this weekend
<--- waves good morning to all
<--- says it's back to the grind today
<--- misses Buffalo Butt (and his owners)
<--- hopes Robin finds an excuse for retail therapy a la Target this weekend
<--- wishes Tammy a good day at her new job:)
<--- wonders if it's Friday yet?:p
<--waves good morning carefully so as not to spill the java!;-)
<--wonders why anyone needs an EXCUSE for retail therapy??
<--thinks being alive is enough of a reason!}(
<--has had LOTS of retail therapy lately, tho most was done via internet.:)
<--can't believe it's already Monday.
<--had a BUSY BUSY weekend that just FLEW on by!
<--thinks time flies way too fast these days.
<--wonders where it flies to??
<--wishes all a happy wonderfulday!:)
<---is at work
<---says workstation schedule is all screwed up
<---says a coworker was in the woods this weekend, fell down a hill and sprained his wrist
<---thinks he was pushed by a squirkey
<--came back this morning
<--wonders if white kitty will turn brown?
<--thinks that will be interesting
<--has DOMS from ME
<--hopes Friday comes fast for Shelley
<--hopes Robin has fun at Target
<--hopes TIG has a nice bday
<--hopes Tammy's mom is doing well, and Tammy at the new job
<--hopes Catherine's DH has a nice vacation

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

<---waves mornin' to all
<---saw Robin's post about going to Lake Louise last night
<---tells her that if she gets the chance, she ABSOLUTELY must go!!!
<---tells her to take a look at <---'s picture trail for a few photos
<---loves, loves, loves that place!!!
<---wants to see Buffalo Butt
<---was thrilled to see Meg peek in
<---hopes she's well on the road to recovery!!!
<---hopes Tammy's new job is going well
<---agrees with Wendy - time flies by way too fast
<---has no idea where it goes
<---would like to become a time traveler and find out
<--agrees with Miss Tammy's lyric today
<--is not fond of Mondays
<--was going to call Tammy last night but forgot
<--has senile dementia for sure :p
<--is with Shelley on wondering if its Friday yet
<--is also jealous of Catherine's DH
<--hopes Megadoo is on the mend
<--thinks kittens are cute, but just can't warm up to cats
<--prefers big 'ol floppy-eared dogs with their tongues hanging out :D
<--says no wonder she likes DT :p :+
<--has hamstring and lower back DOMS from deadlifts
<--will probably have lots of other DOMS show up later today
<--needs a refill
<---waves goodmorning to Robin, Tammy, Shelley, Wendy, Catherine, Maeghan, Shannon, Nancy, Michele and all that follow!
<---says it is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Southcentral PA
<---wishes she wasn't sitting inside an office with no windows :(
<---spent all weekend putting in a veggie garden
<---says it started out small, but is now HUGE
<---thinks her DH bought enough plants and seeds to eventually feed a third world country
<---must learn how to can!!!
<---is sure that all of Robin's summer clothes are going to be too big for her and she will be "forced" to participate in some retail therapy to replace them. :)
<---hopes that Shelley and Sophie had a great time in PA with Robin!
<---tells Wendy that she does most of her retail therapy online too
<---tells Catherine that her DH gets Fridays off during the summer and <--- is insanely jealous
<---thinks she should automatically get off if DH is off!
<---says if DH takes this new job though, he will not get Fridays off anymore :( <---would actually not like that because he mows the lawn and does chores when he is off
<---continues that DH has to decide today about the job offer and as of right now <--- still doesn't know what he is going to do.
<---agrees with Nancy that there is just nothing like a tail wagging, tongue hanging out dog!

<---thinks the weiner dog pic is too cute
<---just had retired co-worker stop in
<---says she has 2 golden retrievers
<---says her son had 2, one recently died
<---says he called rescue groups and is now getting 2 dogs, possibly three
<---'s friend takes her's when she goes to visit
<---asks you to contemplate 5 or 6 golden retrievers - yikes!
<---thought of Shannon when DS suggested a trip to Lake Louise
<---is a bit nervous about the weather and snow, since it will be a May trip
<---tells Liann that she will love canning!
<---used to have a garden and used to can
<---absolutely loved opening the cupboards and seeing all those pretty jars of veggies that <--- did all by <---self!
<---asks very nicely if Liann will send some of that garden surplus down this way?
<---loves that cute little doggie!
<---loves just about any cute little doggie
<---wonders why Cuz has a water softener
<---thinks of water softeners when people have wells
<---hopes Cuz comes back later
<--would be in heaven if she could spend a day with 5 or 6 golden retrievers!!! :7 :7 :7
<--wonders where Lake Louise is and why it has snow in May?

ETA: <--also loves the pic of Liann's doggie
<--waves to the gang
<--is off to a day long committee meeting
<--wonders if Thelma & Louise and Sophie had a great weekend
<--doesn't know who Bufalo Butt is...wasn't he on Good Times?
<--wants to hug and kiss Liann's dachshunds
<--is glad to Doodles back and hopes she is hanging in there
<--wishes all a great day...or shall <-- say Wonderfulday!
<---tells Nancy that Lake Louise is in Alberta, Canada, way up in the Rockies
<---has never been there in May, but there was snow in September!
<---tells Beavs Buffalo Butt wasn't on Good Times, he was on my couch
<---tells Nancy that when <--googled Banff and Lake Louise last night, it said there was still good skiing in late May
<---doesn't downhill ski
<---agrees that cupboards full of home canned foodstuffs is very rewarding
<---thinks that the sound of a canning jar lid "pinging" when the vaccuum seal is made is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world
<---sprints into thread and waves good mornin' to y'all :)
<---is glad to be back home after a weekend of traveling
<---had a good time with the fam in OH
<---laments over the fact that family gatherings are horrible for the diet
<---is back on track today, though
<---started the morning with CC Vol 5... <--- was the gazelle and is happily munching on grass now, while laughing at the poor, worn out lion ;)
<---needs to get caught up on the weekend activities of Robin and S&S :)
<---agrees with Wendy that no excuse is needed for retail therapy :)
<---shops because <--- breathes :p
<---is also jealous of Catherine's DH
<---needs a vacation
<---inquires "Robin is thinking of going to Lake Louise?"
<---has seen pics of that place and would LOVE to go there too
<---thinks Shannon's pics are gorgeous, which makes <--- want to go even more :)
<---tells Liann that <---'s veggie garden somehow managed to grow in size too
<---thinks DH should not be allowed anywhere near a tiller ever again :p
<---thinks Liann's doggies are so cute!
<---tells Nance that Lake Louise is in Canada... Banff National Park
<---wants to stay here if <--- goes:
<---is going to need to win the lottery... ;)
<---tells Beavs that day-long meetings are not allowed
<---'s tummy is rumbling which means it's snack time... back in a bit!

<---tells Robin that <--- doesn't ski either... <---wonders when the best time to go to Lake Louise is, for non-skiers?
<---explains to Emily that <--is going to visit her sister in north central WA the last week of May
<---got an email from sis asking what we wanted to do and suggesting a possible trip to Banffffff
<---has to check with car rental place to see if we can drive all the way to Banfffff
<---also isn't sure how long it would take to drive to Banffff from my sister's house

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