Morning All
"Monday, Monday, can't trust that day, Monday, Monday"...humming a little Mama''s and Papa's this that group!
I looked up Cher's height on Google, and on a few sites they vary, from 5'4 to 5'5...the guy that told me she was only 5'2 was a security guy at the even if she was 5'5, Sonny was super short wasn't he? They had her old costumes displayed outside the theater and they were so tiny it was unbelievable. I really do think she had a rib removed!Remember that rumor?
Deb, your Utube link did not lead me to the video, just the home page, nonetheless, yeah, for Keegan. Isn't that a girl's name?
Who cares, your new baby is going to be so cute, and so cuddly and I wish so badly we could get another puppy for Georgie to love. Life would be tough with two huge dogs though...they both would not fit on the boat.
Robin, do what Shannon said about the Imax intervals, some of them are plain old dangerous if you are not the "take flight" type...I am not that type, plus those of us with "issues" need to be careful. I just did jumping jacks during some of the more tricky intervals, they keep your heartrate up, but are so basic there is no danger of tripping.
Shannon, I have heard nothing but good things about the new Indiana Jones movie. I just wish old Harrison acted more friendly in interviews, he is kind of a jackass--at least in the ones I have seen. George Clooney and Will Smith appear to be the most "friendly" actors, they are just so funny and "nice" aren't they? I remember the scene in one of the movies with the snakes.
Sick. Glad your workout went well.
Jennifer, enjoy KPC today, I never got into that workout for some reason, I much prefer Cardio Kicks, it moves faster or something, plus I like the boys in it!
Hi to Leanne, Lainie,Shelley and Kara!
It's the second week of Bootcamp, today is supposed to be a 5 mile run, a piece of cake for Shelley, but I will do an itread workout instead-walking of course.;-) The walking workouts are still tough though! I need to lose the water weight the next few days, I ate like a hoglet yesterday, did some "carb loading"
so will pay the piper for the next few days.:7
The boys are down today, we are shooting a commercial at the house tomorrow...busy week.