Monday 25


Hi everyone.Good morning. Today is the pyramids lower and upper body.Have fun.I do not know now if I am going to do something more.The dreamed day 28 is near.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Good morning Mariángeles, that is a tough workout!! Yes the 28th is getting closer...:)

I am doing Taebo and P90X Core Synergistics....have a good day....:)...Carole
Good Morning Ladies!!!:) I have no clients today and my kids are home at noon so I worked out extra long this morning.
I am falling back in love with CTX, today I did the cardio from Kickbox and 10-10-10 then did Leaner Legs in it's entirety! Holy Moly, I forgot how great a workout LL is. I'm feeling it already.

We're shopping for a grade 8 grad dress this afternoon. I'm bracing myself. My 13 year old has blossomed into quite a mature looking little lady and despite the fact that she dresses modestly and wears very little makeup she is often mistaken for an 18 year old. I insist on an age appropriate dress and realise that might be quite a challenge for her 5'8" 130 lb. curvaceous frame. Wish me luck :)

Carole talking about Aerosmith made me wonder, do you ever listen to music while you run?

Stayfit, you are too cute with your countdown, do you get this excited at Christmas? Getting the first pictures of our new workouts is so much fun but makes me want them in my hot little hands all the more:)

Enjoy your Monday!!
Take Care
Good morning,

This morning I did IMAX and Bootcamp core premix.

Laurie, that is one heck of a workout you did! You will be feeling it, no doubt! My triceps were talking to me all day yesterday, so I must have done something right on Saturday.

Take care,
I am sure I will be so excited al christmas.I am thinking that the new dvd are going to be ready in febraury or march of 2005.It would be so cute that the dvd will be our christmas gift but I think this date is to much soon thinking the filming has not started. :( :( .Getting the first pictures is going to be great but you are so right:I am going to want them in my hands more.My parents say I am rare.They see me smiling, I don't want to tell them the reason because they don't understand my cathe passion , and they tell me to confess my secret.I always smile thinking about that this Thursday the filming is going to start.I can not avoid it.I am smiling now.
:) :)

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
Hello Ladies

Laurie, good luck. I also noticed a lot of changes in my daughter, she is 13 too. Thank God, as of today she is absolutely not into make up or clothes, she is very much into sports. I hope it'll stay that way! :)

Back to the elliptical today -- 30 min @ moderate intensity followed by S&H chest and some abs.

Have a great day everyone, Mari
Good Morning Ladies,

I did ME this monrning and will be spinning in the evening. I ran 14 miles on Saturday and I walked for 1.5 hours on Sunday, I did not feel like doing anything else.

Laurie, I know what you are going through, my daughter is 14 and into jeans and cute tops, she does not wear dresses very often.

I like listenig to Aerosmith especialy the CD The Big Ones, it makes me run faster.
Hi everyone-

This morning I did Bootcamp - someday I will be able to finish the TERMINATOR CLIMBERS - YEEOWW! I love what that workout does for my obliques. Eventually I will have to get the DVD's of the IS so I can do the core premix but only once I have all the others:)

3 days from the 28th. I wonder how many we will all check this site that day- a new set for filming and everything -WOW!:)

Mariángeles- I did PUB yesterday and didn't feel it the day after like I normally do. I guess it's time to increase the weight. I still can't do more than 12 lbs. for biceps. For some reason, the hammer curls are easier for me than regular bicep curls. Has anyone else found that to be the case.

Carole - I wish there is somewhere I could view of clip of P90X but on the site it just shows that man talking and I would like to view a section of the actual workout.

Laurie - I am planning on ordering the CTX series this week - I can't wait. LL is rated as being harder than Legs and Glutes so I hope I'm ready;). Good luck shopping (It's always much more fun when you're not looking for something particular, isn't it?) - when is the graduation? Well, sounds like its time to lock the doors to keep the boys out!

Have a great day everyone, Wendy
Hi everyone, I took the weekend off, with all that is going on with my body I needed a break and I didn't feel too well anyway.

Today I did PUB Chest only and a KPC 42 min. premix. I am experimenting with my eating this week. I think I have narrowed it down to 1 of 2 culprits. It is either the banana in my smoothie(pray that it isn't because then I have nothing for my breakfast or my smoothie) or the strawberries that I have been putting in my smoothies. ;( :+ :( So this morning after my workout (which was more like afternoon) I had a smoothie with a banana but NO strawberries, pray that I have no problems and that the strawberries are the culprit.

I felt really good Sunday and this morning, my weight is up but right now I am just trying to figure out the gasy problem then I can reconcentrate on my weight.:D

I will keep you posted on what I conclude from my experiment.:7
Good afternoon. I only did the ME upper premixes because I had to take my older son to the Dr. this morning. He might have strep throat. It seems that when it gets closer to the afternoon like around 10:30 to 11:00 I just don't have the energy to give it my all. I like to workout as soon as I wait an hour after breakfast when I have the most energy.

Oh Mariángeles I know this is your first preoder from Cathe but I just wanted to let you know you are in for some excitement. My first preoder was the BB series and with all the updates and pictures it was so exciting and fun. Just you wait:).
PUB is a challenge to me. I am new in the cathe world and I have never liked the weight training before cathe of course.If you are not sore the day after I think is time to increase the weight you use.
Don't worry if I can finish the terminator climbers you will be able to do it soon. The dvd bootcamp is really fantastic. In the past week I did the premix with the cardio and the lower body and it was a great workout.This workout is full of premixes in the dvd.
3 days from the 28. On that day I will not be in the forums only during my cathe maraton. I want to celebrate the start of the hardcore filming in the best way I can imagine talking about cathe: with a cathe day maraton.
I have the ctx series. I love to mix the kikbox with CK or KPC.I like more L & G than LL because i like to do floor exercises but it is great.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
Hi everyone,

great workouts here again!

Laurie, I love the CTX cardios, they're intense and really fun plus it's just so easy to piece them together into totally different workouts. 10-10-10 is one of my faves from that one. Good luck with your daughter, I will still have to wait a few years, my older daughter is 2,5 years, though she's very picky about her clothes already (oh my...!!!);)

Wendy, I've always thought of hammer curls as easier than regular bicep curls too. I really don't think 12 lbs for biceps is bad especially in PUB, which is really hard!!! That's where I'm at too at this point. On a good day I'll try 15 lbs, but can't usually finish the whole set. But I still see results, so I reallly don't care that much about the poundage;)) I find I enjoy working out so much more when I really concentrate on doing everything with good form even with a little less weight.

Annette, I will put my hope out for the strawberries :):):).

For me it was the Gauntlet this morning. I'll repeat it again; that is such a GREAT workout! One funny thing though; for the first time I actually figured out there are only 6 circuits in it. The catalog and the DVD say "then repeat this pattern 7 times", so I'm always counting the circuits and expecting 7 of them. To this day I've always thought I've miscalculated and wau, that went fast, when it goes to the stretch after the 6th circuit. But I suppose there are only 6 circuits there...;))) I love how the workout begins with the easier cardio cycles and gets gradually more intense... the terminators and sequential power-kicks are the worst, I think...;O But it feels so great ones you're done!

It's getting late here, so I'm off to bed, happy thoughts everyone,


>Mariángeles- I did PUB yesterday and didn't feel it the day
>after like I normally do. I guess it's time to increase the
>weight. I still can't do more than 12 lbs. for biceps. For
>some reason, the hammer curls are easier for me than regular
>bicep curls. Has anyone else found that to be the case.

Wendy, I know for me the bicep is the hardest for me to increase but sometimes I will start off doing 10,12,15 but not doing all of the 15 but at least I am pushing. So I don't think your the only one to find this increditbly hard}(. Someday I will just do 8,10,12,10,8 just because I just know that I am not strong that day. Another suggestion is what I also do is start off with 10 then do 12 the next 2 sets then back down doing 12 then 10.
Hello Everyone,
Today I have come down with the bug the rest of my family had last week but since I'm not laid up I'm trying to fit in at least a 45 minute walk with the dog and about an hour of Pilates.
Hopefully I'll get better instead of worse like the children did! Take care-Susan
Wendy you will love CTX, it is fun, versatile, challenging and efficient. The more workouts Cathe puts out the more I am astounded by her ability. My legs feel well worked and stronger after Meaner Legs this morning. Can't wait to hear what you think of it.

Good luck with your experiment Annette, your tummy troubles have been going on for a while now, I feel for you.

Dress shopping good. Marley tried on some dresses last week when I wasn't with her and she wanted to show me. Grad isn't until June and I don't see buying anything until the post Christmas sales. I was pleasantly surprised by her choices, cute and age appropriate. It choked me up to see her in those dresses, my little Marmie looking so growed up!!! :( :) Bittersweet...

Take Care
Zandy....I like P90X core alot!! Many moves I have never seen and it works your core from your chest down to your lower abs and your back down to your glutes. I am biased though as I had such great results from diet and the whole P90X collection. I have read on other forums some people didn't like it and we are all different but I think the DVD is worth getting. I hear alor of people say they just swap the DVD's they don't like...:)...Carole
Did Step Blast and S&H shoulders last night. Haven't figured out what I will do this evening when I get home. Off to work. Have a good Tuesday everyone.

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