moms-to-be check in!


Hi ladies- this board has really quieted down, so I thought I'd see who is out there!

I'm Lisa, 17 weeks along with baby #1 due July 20th. We've had 2 ultrasounds already, but our BIG one (with gender determination, HOPEfully!) is next tuesday the 11th! We even get to take home a video!

I've gained 11 pounds, am JUST about into my maternity clothes exclusively, and just had blood drawn last Thursday for the AFP screening test. Here's hoping the results are favorable.
Any other expectant moms out there?

Hi, I haven't posted in this particular forum yet, but am newly pregnant. I'm Emily, 10 weeks along on Thursday with first child, and surviving my first trimester! I'm managing to exercise 5-6 times per week. My strategy is to stay away from the bed when I get home from work, and force myself straight into my workout clothes. It is tough, though.

I'm excited to join you and the other expectant moms here.

Hello. I haven't been posting much lately either. I'm Amy and I'm 21 weeks along with baby #2, due on June 17th. My other son is almost 2 and is keeping me very busy. I have been very faithful with my workouts (after the all-day sickness went away at 12 weeks), but I have still gained about 18 lbs and I'm a little depressed about that. I have been trying so much harder this time than with the last pregnancy, making better food choices and working out more intensely, but it looks like I am on my way to a 45 lb. weight gain regardless.
Other that that I'm feeling pretty good. My insurance doesn't allow for ultrasound unless the Dr. orders one. so we didn't get one with my son. We really want to know the sex of the baby this time, so our Dr. is going to do one for free "just for fun". We will hopefully get it done during my next appt. in 3 weeks! I'm so excited. I feel kind of cheated that I didn't get to have this experience with my son.
Emily, I know what you mean about how tough it is sometimes to get in gear to workout. My only time to exercise is at about 8:30 pm after my son is in bed, and at that point I am ready to go to bed myself. I'm always glad I made myself do it though!

Hi everyone. I haven't been to this forum for a while either. I'm 32 weeks along with my third baby/second pregnancy (first pregnancy was twin girls). I am feeling really good and am able to exercise as much as I would like. I find that I really do better if I exercise in the morning, though. I get tired as the day goes by and don't have much energy to exercise if I put it off too long!

We decided not to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Sometimes I wish I knew, but the surprise on delivery day will be great! Lisa and Amy, you'll have to let us know what your ultrasounds show!!

Amy, I've been a bit depressed about my weight gain too. I just keep trying to remember that I'm doing my best to stay healthy and keep my baby healthy and that the weight will come off soon enough.

It is fun hearing about other expectant mom's and how they are doing!

Michelle (due April 3rd)
Hi, my name is Sandi and I am 32 and pregnant with my 4th child. I have a little boy and a little girl at home, (4 & 21 months). My first daughter passed away when she was 11 days old.
I am currently 30 weeks along, (well tomorrow I will be :) ). I have been exercising 5-6 days a week, since my morning sickness ended at 12 weeks. I feel really good but I am noticing that I more tired than usual. Working out always gives me an added burst of energy though :)

Michelle - Sometimes I wish I didn't find out the sex of this baby, because I would love the surprise at delivery. But at the u/s I just had to know :)

Amy & Lisa - Good luck at your u/s, and be sure to let us know when you find out :)

Baby #4 - due April 23rd.
It's a boy!!!

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